Chapter 10

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Last night the guys and I got pretty much wasted that I've lost count of the shots of tequilas we had after the 10th. I slept over at Samuel's because I was too drunk to drive. I almost forgot that Gabriella has sent me the photos back from the match so I open and texted something then last thing I remember was sleeping on Sam's couch.

"Jason Evans and Gabriella Montgomery." At the sound of her name, I averted my attention from my thoughts to the direction of the professor and back at her.

She seems lost, which makes me realize that I've never been introduced to her after our many brief encounters. She doesn't know me, not just yet.

"This can't be happening," I speak my thoughts  rather loudly, which I haven't noticed until she looks at me giving me some looks that I can't seem to comprehend.

She's walking away, but not this time. I'm not going to mess up this chance, not now atleast.

I gave her a small tap that causes her to jump. She looks at me with an expression that shows a sense of resentment, which infuriated me.

"Guess you're Gabriella Montgomery. I'm Jason Evans and I hope you're good at Chemistry because I don't want to fail this class." I say that with a tone too confident to only see her nostrils flaring, her face flushing and her fists clenching.

"Who said I'll even be working with you?" I give her a questioning look.

"I'll go over and ask the professor to change our names, if anything I don't want to be the one who fails because of a jock who only cares about a sport," she blurts out and ouch!

She walks away and seems to get into a debate with the professor but that rather seems relentless and useless. I can tell from her crossed eyebrows and the grit appearing over her jawline that she's not happy for whatever the professor had to say. This seems like it's going to be a tough one big guy.

She heads back my way.

"Look, I really need this okay? I need to get into the school I've been planning on attending and I'm not going to let anything come in my way." She said that in a threatening tone making it seem like I could care less about my education. Judgemental.

"You have my number. Choose two days afternoon after my practice because on the many days I have extra practice and this class is not an essential to spend too much time on." Acting like a complete snob, I decide to play her game.

We moved through the corridors without noticing till I see Rebecca approaching me, which makes me almost forgot how crazy she seemed the other day.

She gives Gabriella a dirty look, and then gives me a peck on my cheek as if nothing has happened previously.

Gabriella gives me this look again and we part. I can't believe she's already been acting like a jerk and I haven't even done anything to get on her nerves. Like I've said before, this girl is trouble and I'm not going to make it any easier on her.

I turn back to Rebecca and ask her, " So you've come back to your senses,huh?"

"What are you talking about? I see her cheeks slightly flushing.

"I dont know, you acted..weird." I say confusedly.

"You know how girls become when they're hormonal and our menstruation doesn't help," she says. She could've spared me the extra details.

"So we'll be hanging out tonight?" I ask

"Sure, I'll wait up for you after our practice," it made me almost forgot about gym class.

This means, I'll get to see her again.

I try to bounce the idea out of my head and put my head in the game instead. We had some warmup before we started, until we heard the coach blow his whistle.

"Listen up folks, I'll be needing 3 of you guys for next week's tryouts of the juniors to form the team we need for next season," the coach said making me think of how much I need this for my resumé for when I apply for colleges with the help of the jury.

I needed to work hard if I wanted this, so no more distractions.

I see Gabriella entering gym class all eyes focused anywhere but not where I'm present. She does the usual lap runs with the others, so I decide to stick to my plan that nothing would actually distract me.

I do as planned eventhough, I've felt her eyes dart my way several times, and I don't know why, but Rebecca comes towards me out of the blues having her arms wrapped around my waist just above the hem of my shorts, then gestured for me to follow her.

I said I don't need distractions so I flow with what she has in mind and follow her. She goes back to where my car has been parked and as we both go inside she starts brushing her lips towards mine intensely like her last breath depends on it, she now has her hands in the strands of my hair and just when we were trying to catch our breaths, I caught a glimpse of Gabriella with two of her friends in the side mirror next to Rebecca. 

I can see a judgemental look fueling out of her eyes like before. I break out of this make-out session and start driving to Rebecca's house.

As usual, her parents aren't there so the place is all ours. Rebecca goes up to her room and changes while I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower, as I haven't had time after practice today.

After I finish, I go back to the living room adjusting myself waiting for Rebecca to come back. I take my phone out and notice that whatever I've typed to send Gabriella the other day hasn't been actually sent, which clarifies her impudent attitude earlier.

I won't resend it because it's past its time already so I type..

" Mondays and Wednesdays. 8 pm. Choose a location" . Delivered.

" Who are you texting?" Rebecca asks from behind.

"No one," I lie.

"I see you've been pretty much in contact with this unknown nerd," she says trying not to look me in the eyes.

"Who?" I know who she's talking about

"The girl from your class," she hops off and sits on one of my laps trying to continue what we've started in the car. After almost a 5-minute makeout session. I stand up from where I'm sitting to go grab some beer to drink.


" Is that my phone?" I ask her opening the fridge to bring myself a beer, as I've left my phone over at the couch.

"Uhm, no it's mine someone has messaged me," she says.

I go back to open my phone.


The two ticks have marked read, and she hasn't reply. She's trying to play Karma, but she doesn't know that this is my game.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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