Chapter 4

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I was never the type to get attached. I see people feeling broken, someone who gets left because his girl has cheated on him like Dave, my friend, or someone doesn't get loved back.

Screw attachments. That's why I have always been the type to never settle, messing around with that, messing around with this; it's easier that way because that's the only way you spare yourself the heartbreak.

I've seen my mom cry when my dad left, she used to hide it because she didn't want Judy and I to notice her pains, but I knew how she felt. My mom and dad had lived the most romantic love story, but that ended up when my dad got too caught up at work and spent less time at home. My mom's heartbreak was one of the main reasons why I shouldn't fall inlove or get attached.

I text Rebecca knowing she'd probably just answer rightaway.

"Hey babe, yeah sure meet me at my house," Rebecca replies after texting her and telling her to hangout with our friends, so I get dressed up wearing some camouflage pants and a black basic, i pull up my hair into a bun and go out.

I pull in Rebecca's driveway. Her parents are never around, they both own a law firm and they travel a lot. Rebecca is like the spoiled child that gets whatever she wants.

People may not know this about me, but I'm not really into people who have everything settled for them. I like to see people work for what they want, and fight to reach whatever position they're in and that's what I've been trying to do with basketball.

I ring the doorbell and Rebecca quickly opens. She's dressed in a pink strapless romper with full makeup applied to her face.

"Jay," she gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

"Hey Becca" I reply.

"So what do you want us to do? We could do some netflix and chill,what do you think?" She says. I know that netflixing always ends up with a makeout session that I might need rightnow to distract my previous thoughts.

"Yeah sure, pick a movie and I'm going to get something to drink, but we have to meet up with the others in a few," I say.

I know that Rebecca would do anything to be here with me, even if she knows she's a one night stand. It sucks to know that I'll never give her the love that she needs but on my part, I've always made it clear what she is to me and she has always accepted that position.

I bring out some beer for Rebecca and I and head back to the living room. I can find that she'd already set up the mood to our movie night with all the bean bags, snacks and some crackers.

"So I've picked up a movie you've been waiting to see for a long time, Infinity War" She says and it's true ever since the movie has been released I didn't get the chance to watch it so that should be good.

We sit down next to eachother, and I take a sip of my beer. How could I think of Gabriella and I don't even know who that is? I've only seen her once in Chemistry class sitting beside a guy, whom she hasn't stopped talking to and I'm pretty sure that guy likes her from the way he looks at her when she speaks. That's what I don't want, I don't want someone to see how I look through someone and be like 'that dude is definitely all over her' No that's not who I am.

I don't know what's happening to me but I sure as hell need to get it out of my mind, sitting right here watching the movie doesn't help. So i turn over to Rebecca and start kissing her, I never felt anything doing that, I'm sure that was pure lust and nothing more. I know that i may be a jerk but i need to take my mind off of Gabriella.

Rebecca doesn't hesitate twice and goes along with it until I find myself too consumed in my thoughts that I had to stop. I back off and see her confused look, but I ignore that by calling Drake and Samuel asking them if they've arrived at the club or not.

I'm pretty sure being around the guys would take my mind off of things now.

Drake tells me they're heading to Cielo, which is a club around the corner so I tell Rebecca we have to go and take her with me. Rebecca and I never really bonded over anything, so I think we're only friends with benefits, we never really talked, so we spend the whole drive silent.

I enter the club with Rebecca and spot the others by the bar.

"Hey man, why don't we head up to the dancefloor and dance a bit. The club is cramped with pretty ladies," Samuel says so we head there because that's probably my only means of distraction.

I make my way through the dancefloor and then something catches my eyes and I can't just believe that's happening.

Wearing a simple black tank top, a denim skirt and some white sneakers, Gabriella enters the club, having her hair down, no glasses and red lipstick over her mouth. All i can think of is that I need to know the girl right away.

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