Chapter 8

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The match is over, and the guys want to celebrate the big win. We head back home with our usual victory and I run over a quick shower to change and pass by Becca's.

This girl. This girl who might have triggered feelings inside of me that I never knew they have even existed. This girl who makes my mind swirl continuously without being able to take full control over my mind. This girl is trouble, and I have to do something about it.

I have to call my dad to fill him in about today's victory alongside the scholarship I've been offered, which I know would make him the happiest. My dad has always seen me as his replica, and I've always been pressured to surpass his limits of expectations to please him and make him proud. It's been exhausting and sometimes I just feel worn out, but I do it because that's the only string attaching us together after my parents' divorce.

"Hey dad!" I call him.

"Hi son, so how did the game go?" He asks and it sometimes annoys me how he only asks about the games and not about Jayjay or mom.

"It was great actually, I've scored the most balls and the jury of the National College Athletic Association recommended me to several universities including NYU, as they want me to check out their programs"

"That's big huh? I'm so glad to hear that son, see I've told you not to miss practice and I knew your hard work wouldn't have gone to waste." He says enthusiastically and I can't recall when was the last time I felt like my dad is actually that proud of me.

"Thanks dad, now I've gotta run, bye." I end the call and text Rebecca telling her I'll be there in a few.

I don't know why I always end up at Rebecca's everytime I reach out for my dad. I think it's where I take my mind off of things a bit and she's really good at it, like no commitments, no attachments and no strings.

I pull over at her driveway , then I knock on the door to actually feel stunned to what I have to see infront of me.

Rebecca is dressed in a knee-lengthed red dress that hugs the shape of her body making every curve pop out, and her face looks she has fewer makeup than usual. She also has her hair up in a loose bun, which doesn't actually give her the whole 'sharp' Rebecca look, making her whole neck exposed. She had this necklace dangle on her neck making it seem so delicate over her skin.

"What's with all this?" I say half laughing.

"Uhm..what do you mean?" She says blushing and confused ,and that's so unlike Rebecca.

I head towards the living room, knowing that her family isn't there as usual.

"Can you bring me some beer?" I tell her.

She goes to the kitchen bringing to beers and some snacks, and when she gets back I do what I'm used to. I get close to her grabbing her by the waist, and she just surrenders between my hands, I kiss her by the neck and she lets iut a small moan as I reach out for her ears, but then she pushes away.


"What's wrong?" I ask her having all possible question marks on my face.

"I don't know, but I think you have to leave," she says hesitantly.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" I say as I walk out through the door heading to my car.

So the only place that actually took my mind off of things is also the place that leaves me with more confusion. I don't know what's wrong with Rebecca because she never actually acted that way, and I sure as hell won't ask her because we were never had the 'question-answer' kind of relationship. Infact, we were more likely to be friends with benefits.

I call Samuel because the last thing I need rightnow is some other girl drama and see where he's at.

"Hey Sam, where're you?" I ask him knowing he'd be at our usual spot.

"The usual," he says and I drive to Cielo, which is where I met camera girl there the other day.

As I enter, I see Sam and the boys sitting by the bar and talking to a newbie. Who's that?

"Jason, we're here," Sam waves over at me, as he thinks I haven't seen them already.

"Meet Jake Robinson, he's my cousin and he also attends school with us." Samuel introduces me to his cousin whom I've never met before, but the dude seems cool.

"Hey man, I'm Jason," we talk a bit about school, classes and he appears to be taking Geometry class with me.

Even though the guy seems okay, but it's like he never takes his phone away. I can't actually think of a possible explanation for me to hold my phone that long, I don't think I'd ever do that for any person.

We talk about soccer and basketball for a while and that he'll be participating in the next tryouts.

"How's that new girl you're talking with?" Sam asks Jake.

"She is okay, you know I'm not really the type to commit, but I'm just going with it you know?" He tells Sam, and I felt for a second that he might be a douche, but who am I kidding it's like I'm talking about myself.

"I get you," I interrupt their conversation and they both look at my in unison.

"Yeah so Jason here has the whole cheerleading team drooling over him, including the head of the cheerleading team, which by the way is a total bomb," Sam says , but I say nothing because I don't really pay that much attention to all these details, and I give him the 'fuck you' look instead.

"Yeah tell me that Rebecca isn't all over you by now?" He says and I raise my eyebrows back at him.

"You know how things are between Rebecca and I, besides she knows that so if anything we're both in it together and she's totally fine with that." I answer back knowing what I say is what I actually know.

"Whatever you say, but don't come back telling me I told you so," he says and I'm pretty sure of what I already know.

"So you haven't told me about her name yet," Sam turns back to Jake.

"It's Tess, and she goes to school with us too," he says and I can tell that Sam is beginning to get on his nerves too.

My phone vibrates. It's definitely Rebecca apologizing for acting like a complete psycho previously.

It's from an unknown number.

'... sent you 7 pictures'

It's her. Again.

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