Chapter 5

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Gabriella's Pov:

After an unfortunate first day full of events, we head back to Eliza's home.

"I'm starving!" Eliza says.

"Me too, why don't we order pizza?" Tess suggests.

After ordering our pizza, we just sit there and I propose that "We should probably start looking into our studies and catch up on what we took at school today," knowing what their responses would be.

"You're boring you know that? The only thing we're doing is figuring out what kind of new thing we'll be doing," Eliza joins in with excitement.

"And who told you I'd be doing anything that you might suggest?" I ask her knowing that I'll probably end up doing whatever crazy thing she has in mind as usual.

"Well, because that's OUR senior year, and to remain hidden would never do you any good." Tess says and to be honest I kind of agree with her so I just sit there waiting for them to come up with some eerie suggestions.

"So why don't we dare eachother into things we wouldn't have the courage to do on our own?" Tess says.

I go blank for a moment to think of anything I couldn't do but I don't seem to think of any.

"Let's give each one of us one dare and I'll start!" Eliza says looking at Tess and me.

"So Tess, I dare you to open your phone's contact list, then close your eyes and start scrolling then stop, and once you stop at a name you'll call that name, no matter who that is and ask the person to hangout for 20 minutes." Eliza says, leaving Tess and I with full open eyes and mouths, we know we can just decline the dare but we also know that Eliza wouldn't take no for an answer.

Tess has always been the confident one, like she never really cared how others viewed her and that's why I knew she could easily do that dare.

She takes out her phone and Eliza blinds her eyes with a scarf, she keeps on scrolling then finally stops. Her eyes pop out, her face turned red and then she says ' It's Jake Robinson'.

Jake's one of the most popular kids at school and also a part of the basketball team. To be honest I'm not even sure that he would pick up but I say nothing so as not to worry her. She hesitates for a second but then presses dial.

We sit there waiting for him to answer impatiently until he surprisingly picks up.

"Uhm hello?" He sounds confused

"Hey, yeah hi, it's Tess Meyer from Geometry class. I know this might seem weird, but can we meet up for like 20 minutes, my friends here have dared me to call one of my contacts and they wouldn't take no for an answer," she speaks too quickly, and her face begins to sweat of embarrassment fearing he might turn her down.

He chuckles and says "Yeah sure, why not 20 minutes it is right?"

"Not more than that don't worry, let's meet around 7 at Starbucks, k bye." She closes quickly and none of us believes what she has just done.

To shift the conversation quickly, she says "Eliza, you're next"

I think of something I know Eliza would never do, and that is to let someone blindly choose a tattoo for her because she only does one based on her own choice and related to an important occasion.

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