Chapter 6

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First they take me to that club, which I by no means felt comfortable in because I have a thing against people staring and looking at me, even though I am pretty sure people wouldn't even notice me and now this..

Who is that guy anyway? and why do I keep bumping into him as if he's part of my daily routine now? and ofcourse he has a girlfriend, who couldn't seem to take her hands off of him. She looks like those barbie dolls coming out of a magazine drowned in full makeup. I don't care anyway, like I said he's no one.

Now we head to Tess' 20 minute date, she seems a bit anxious, biting through her nails and playing with her curls like she always does. "So that guy, he seemed kind of cute with those camo pants" Eliza hits me up with that comment having a weird smirk on her face.

"Uhm, I don't know, I haven't noticed much of these details except for his green eyes because you know how I only notice a guy's eyes," I say and honestly it's true I only noticed his eyes and his black basic because I have a thing for guys with black basics.

"So what have you guys been talking about?" Tess asks.

"Nothing much," I lie.

"You know we've been friends before they even invented white lies right?" Eliza says.

"Okay okay fine, he's a guy I met from gym class BUT I haven't shared such information with you guys because I knew you'd make a big fuss about it." I tell them knowing they'll go all crazy rightnow.

"First of all, this is an incomplete dare young lady because we said you have to meet a complete stranger.." I interrupt Tess " Well he is a stranger that I have only met once and that was the second"

"Secondly, how could you miss out on telling us such thing? You meeting a guy!' Tess continues.

"Don't be such a drama queen, like I said I don't even know the guy and he's only in my gym class besides I don't even know his name," I say wondering how could I not possibly know his name after talking twice.

It's almost 7 and we arrive at Starbucks. Tess may seem all chill and ready but I know deep down she's too hesitant about the whole encounter but I know she won't show it.

We sit there waiting and then we spot Jake wearing some grey joggers, a green shirt and some white sneakers, it seems like he has just had a fresh haircut, but has outgrown his beard, making him look kinda sexy. He has dark brown hair and hazel eye. I know for a fact that Tess would be drooling over him rightnow because that's her type, but would still show no signs of interest. He also had a cigarette in his hand, which by no means is my type, however, definitely Tess' and Eliza's. They kind of have a think for the whole 'bad boy gone good' type.

Eliza and I leave quickly then head to order our usual double ice shaken espresso with white mocha and then rush to a nearby table there and just spy on them.

All that we can see is that they share some laughs and Jake seems interested in whatever Tess has to say, then we see that he takes out his phone but we don't know why.

20 minutes have passed and they're still just sitting and chatting, but for the very first time I feel that Tess' really happy, you could tell from the way she laughs, the way she's consumed in that conversation.

So they both leave going separate ways and then she turns and approaches us with a smile that doesn't seem to leave her face.

"You guys remember the list I made for the qualities I want in a guy?" Tess asks and I can't help but laugh.

"Uhmm yeah Mrs Creepypants?" Eliza says

"Well I think he's cool," Tess says. We both look at her with a smirky face and some raised eyebrows.

"Okay okay, don't get started! He talked a bit about himself how he's applied to NYC, as an architect. We're both into cars, eventhough I have scarce knowledge about cars, but he owns a Jeep so that was a plus one for him. He said that he had seen me several times in Math class, but I didn't really believe that he had actually remembered or noticed me."

"And?" I ask

"And what? Nothing" Tess says looking elsewhere but not my direction. I stare into her eyes though, knowing she's lying.

"God Gaby why do you have to know me so well that you actually uncover my lies! Fine he took my phone and I took his to exchange instagram usernames and he said 'I'd probably call you sometime' but i know he won't that's why I didn't want to tell you guy," she continues.

"Hmm we'll have to wait and see then, but for real Tess that's the first time I see you that excited for something," Eliza says while Tess blushes.

"Let's head home today has been a biiggg day for us 3 and I think I'm in for pizza," I tell them feeling exhausted.

Today has really been full of events that I didn't actually expect to happen. I'm not the type that's so up for new experiences and events because I fear changes and I'm not the person to take risks; however, today has been weirdly good, going to a place I don't completely feel comfortable in, meeting a guy I have no idea what his name is, but fate really seems to want something out of this.

A part of my introvert identity is that I really like taking photos of people, so I've applied in a student activity that also adds extra credit to my credit hours requirement. I have to cover my first session tomorrow, however, I don't know yet where my first session would take place.

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