Chapter 2

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After finishing Chemistry class I walk with Scott to meet the girls at the cafeteria.

"So how are you feeling?" He asks and I get the feeling that he's hesitant. Scott has always been jealous of Miles but would never have admitted but because he's been my bestfriend, he had to put this jealousy aside to be there for me.

"I'm trying to hold up, the breakup wasn't something easy to endure especially after being together for over a year; however, I'm doing better now that I'm back to school."

Scott looks me in the eye as if he's lost for a moment, but both Tess and Eliza run towards me which was a relief to cut this awkward moment.

"So have you though about anything 'different' to do this year?" excited Eliza asks.

"You're in such a rush, aren't you?" I reply and then I sense my phone's vibration.

"Oh no! I can't believe what the school has done to me," I tell them.

"What's wrong?" Scott asks.

"They've replaced my History class with Gymnastics only because they have no capacity in History class!!" I actually feel too frustrated, having all these insecurities over my body, especially after my breakup. The thought of wearing shorts and having everyone looking at me is enough to let me drop the class.

"You scared the shit out of me Gabby, I thought you received a death threat!" Tess says. "Well, who knows what you might get to experience there, maybe that's the new thing you need to do"

"I hear the guys' team train basketball there and are having their tryouts for the season" Eliza says with a smirk on her face and I want to thank her for reminding me that the WHOLE basketball team, who are by the way too hot, are going to be there during my gymnastics class. What a motivation.

"How was your day girls?" I ask.

"Nothing much we've had literature and Eliza has been doing nothing but staring at this guy, who I'm pretty sure doesn't notice her," Tess says.

"Haha very funny, no that's not it. I caught him looking at me twice and I guess his name is either Luke or Liam, I couldn't read his name correctly from where I sat."

It's 1:20 and it's time for my gym class, which I'm far from being excited to head to. As I enter, I see the group of girls gathered on the bleachers probably gossiping and giving me weird looks. I head to the locker room to change, I add some sweat shorts and a basic, lifting my ponytail up in a messy bun.

I go back inside and 'ouch' I got hit by a basketball and I feel lightheaded searching for somewhere to pull my weight over. What kind of a moron does that? And what a nice start to my new class.

I hear the other girls laughing as if they wanted that to happen and then suddenly they all hushed and their eyes darted another way. I turned to where they were looking and saw a guy coming over.

He's laughing and I don't understand why, "that must've hurt pretty bad huh?" He says and I wanted to tell him yeah smartass but as a typical introvert my face turned as red as a tomato and I remained silent trying not to catch his eyes.

" I was the one that threw the ball, so yeah I'm sorry for that. I can bring you some ice if you want?" He says.

"No, I'm good thanks," before I even continue to tell him that I'm okay with bringing them myself, he has stormed away back to his team, as if i wasn't even there talking.

After he left, I take a deeper look into him, knowing he's no longer standing infront of me nor is he looking at me. He's tall, a reason why he plays basketball, his eyes were green as emeralds, he had dark brown curled hair that was put in a bun, and his back was perfectly defined, he was wearing an olive basic that brought out the color of his eyes and some training shorts.

I don't even know why I memorized these details and I'm pretty much going to keep that to myself because if I let the girls know they'd be jumping around how I should use this as the 'different' experience. I don't need this rightnow as a different experience, I've already gone out of one.

I can't believe I just created a scenario of nothingness with a guy who I don't even know what his name was and who has just hit me with a ball.

Class has started and I have to run for 3 minutes around the basketball field and if anything I hate the most, that would be running. One of the girls, who laughed bumped into me while running and stared at me for a while, giving me a death glare as if she's sending me a message that I don't get.

My phone buzzes: "How are you surviving class," Eliza sends in our group.

"H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E, I'm literally out of breath. Please come and save me." I click send and slide my phone back into my pocket.

After I removed my phone, I looked up and to my shock Miles was standing with one of the girls at the bleachers. I hoped so bad that he wouldn't notice me so i reopened my phone too quickly and moved backwards sending them an 'S.O.S' on the phone but the I bumped into something or

a someone.

"I guess we're even now," the jerk from earlier says and my mind is too blocked by the presence of Miles to even answer him back so I just leave quickly, but something then stops me.


This. Isnt. Happening.

"Oh Hi Miles," I have no idea why haven't I just walked away.

"How have you been? Listen up, about earlier this summer.." I interrupt him "Look Miles, I get it we're over and we're better off that way."

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he says. Well ofcourse I'm not and standing here with you doesn't help, but I had to say. "Yeah sure, I'm doing so good and decided to join Gym class for a change," I smile, and just walkaway.

Two incidents in one day, and I haven't even started senior year yet. I need to call the girls and tell them all about the 'Miles Fleming meeting' they'd probably freak out.

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