Blood on My Hands

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Her screams echo off the concrete walls of the basement as blood drips from her nose and lips. A small puddle of blood pools at her bound feet, running in a small stream to the front legs of the chair she was bound to. Her head hung limply  as she stared at the blood splattered grey floor. I've had her for two days now and she still wouldn't fucking talk. No matter what I did she wouldn't break. Heh, strong-willed woman she was but, they all break eventually. Humans are weaker than they'd like you to think. 

"I've tried being nice Summer, yet you still refuse to tell me where they are. Why keep them safe when they clearly don't give a fuck about you? You wouldn't be here with me if they cared now would you?" I grab her blonde hair and yank her head back hard, her face contorts into a grimace and a small scream escapes her trembling lips.  "So just give it up Summer. Tell me what you know." 

She looks up at me, blue eyes ablaze with anger and spits a mixture of blood and saliva onto my face. I turn away slightly and wipe my face with my shirt, disgusted. I grab a knife off the small table beside me and turn back to face her, seething. I slap her across the face hard, blood spattering across the floor. 

"You dumb bitch! You're not necessarily in the position to be doing stupid shit like that now are you?" I growl at her and grab her face roughly, pressing the tip of the knife into the soft spot near her ear and jaw bone. 

I saw the fear flicker in her eyes for a moment as she realized her mistake. She took a deep breath and looked at me with a glance that pleaded for mercy and said she wouldn't tell anyone if I just let her go. I knew she was full of shit with that look. They all do the same thing. Look at me with a pleading look and try to get me to show them mercy. Little do they know that they'll die no matter what the hell they tell me. Why do they think I give a fuck they have kids, about things they want to do with their lives? Well, I had a family once. Things I wanted to do with my life. Did the people who took my family away give a fuck? No.

Once you're put on my list, your death certificate has been signed and you've got your one way ticket to the Grim Reaper.  I could care less about your miserable life. You did something horrible to get put on my list, so you deserve everything I do to you. No amount of pleading can stop me once I've got my sights set on you. 

I scoff at the look she gives me and disgustedly let go of her face. I turn my back to her as I run my fingers over the instruments I've neatly laid out on the small table next to me. The small scalpels, serrated knives, barbed wire, handcuffs, cat-o-nine-tails, and miscellaneous other toys I had begged me to use them. I settled on a strip of thin, razor-sharp barbed wire. I turn around and watch as her eyes widen when they settle on the device in my hand, the silver-colored wire glinting in the dim lighting of the basement. 

"I'll give you another chance to tell me where they are Summer. If you don't..." I chuckle, looking from her to the wire in my hands. "Well, I'll leave that up to your imagination Sweetheart." 

I look back up to her and see as she regains her composure quickly and I take a step toward her, leaning down close to her face. She tries to back up as much as she can before I grab the back of her head, hair fisted tight in my hand and force her to stay where I want her. I get so close to her face that our noses are a hair's length apart and say in my soft, scary tone,  "Where are they Summer? Did they flee to your hideout in the North? Or perhaps they aren't that far from here and are lying in wait for me to leave? How close are they Summer? Do you think they can hear your screams?" 

She flinched almost imperceptibly at my last sentence which means they couldn't be off the property. I knew they had to be in the building at the end of the property no more than a couple car lengths away from the building we were currently in. I pressed the wire against her throat, small beads of blood appearing underneath the sharp points of the barbed wire and running down her neck and soaking into the collar of her t-shirt. She swallowed which only made the barbs dig into her skin further. Once I was satisfied with the amount of blood that rimmed her collar I took away the wire. A few droplets of blood appearing and dripping down every now and then, leaving small trails down her pretty little throat. 

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