Chapter 35:Where are yall

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As i was about to tell Shane my thanks of being my hero

He hugs me.


I say his name and he tightens his arms around me.
"Quit being so cute.."
He finally lets go and looks me in the eyes with a blushing face.

"Huh? what are you talking about?"

His face gets more redder and he just walks away with his head down.

"Hey wait Shane-kun!"

I catch up to him, but all the way home he never looked back at me.

"Well umm goodbye then Shane..."
I say turning my back to him.
But he grabs my wrist the next second.


"Umm..uhh cya tomorrow!"
He says and runs away.

'Hehe I can see his ears red...'

I walk into my home and find it strangely quiet.

Saying this out loud, no answer is said back.

Usually, or always when I get home keke and jade are already home waiting for my arrival but with a weird feeling ... both of them aren't home...their bags are seen on the couch and jades hat too.

I go running around the house to see if anything might have changed, but the only difference was that there was tea made in the kitchen for three people.

'Who was invited?...'

Knowing the smell of the tea, its keke's unique tea she uses only when guest are involved. so she must've had two people come by and she might have left with them?...

While thinking this the house phone rings ,echoing through the house.

I slowly and cautiously answer the phone.


"Good evening Miss Yukimura."

A deep yet sweet voice is heard on the phone.

"May I help you?..."
To be honest I was shaking while hold to phone. so many thoughts came flooding to my head as I talked to the unknown man.

'Are they okay? is this the person who their with? where are they? were they kidnapped? what if worse....'

"Miss Yukimura?"
"Oh uhh sorry what did you say?"
He chuckles and repeats.

"What I said was your sisters are fine, there here with me. their just sitting and watching tv."

I found it hard to believe that they were 'fine' so I wanna justify if their really okai by speaking to keke or jade
"Umm... can I talk to them please?.."
I ask but a snicker is heard.

"I have something better for you miss Yukimura."


-ding dong-
My door bell was rang and I jumped when happened.
"Umm please excuse me.."

I go and see who's at the door and I find a very tall, buff man in a black suit staring straight at me.

I could feel the color drain out of my face as the man reaches his hand towards..

Please no!

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