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"Are you really that sad to see us go?" Ban asked Holy Knight Jude.
"It would seem that neither of you have learned anything in your 5 years here. No matter how strong you may be, you are powerless before Jude" Jude bragged as he pushed Ban back into the wall, pushing the spike in further. Ban coughed up a load of blood.
"Do you want to know why we allowed you to capture us 5 years ago?" Ban asked Jude "Back in those days I wanted to feel pain. I wanted to wallow in suffering because I thought it might make me feel alive. But I'm over that. Your pain has become boring" Ban explained, pulling the steel spike out of his chest.
"What about Wolf Sin Gracie?" Jude asked. Ban stepped out the way so Jude could see me.
"I'm the reason the love of my life is currently spending eternity locked up. So I deserve the same thing" I told him as I looked down at the floor. Ban looked down at me and then back up to Jude who was clearly scared that Ban was still alive.
"But the fact that the Captain is still alive means that things are about to get interesting. So we have no reason to rot away in this dump of yours" Ban laughed as he stabbed Jude with the spike.
"Wait.. are you going to try and overthrow the Kingdom like you did 10 years ago?" Jude asked us.
"Sounds fun" I called out from the floor of my cell.
"I remember something like that," Ban tormented.
"Try it again. I dare you. Every Holy knight in the land will reap at a chance to go to an all out war with you Sins" Jude finished as Ban shoved the spike in fully. Jude spat out a load of blood and fell to the floor.
"Now" Ban started as he turned towards me "For you." Ban sighed as he walked towards me. He stood over me as he slit his wrist and allowed a few drops to land in my mouth. I felt the blood run down my throat and watched as all my wounds healed.
"You took your time" I scoffed again as I stood up and dusted myself down.
"Right let's get going" Ban cheered as we started walking down the corridors. It was strangely empty.
"How did you know I was here?" I asked Ban.
"Well I heard your screams and I can't allow one of my best friends to continue in pain" Ban explained. I nudged his stomach as I saw them.
"Ban" A voice called out "Gracie" It called out again. We walked into the light and saw them
"Captain" Ban said back. Standing there was Meliodas and Diane. The pair of them were silent. I simply sighed and walked past them both and over to Diane.
"Ban" Meliodas cheered as he raised his arms.
"Captain" Ban cheered back as they ran over to each other and did their stupid high fives and punching tests.
"I wonder if they'll ever grow up?" I asked Diane.
"Probably not" She sighed as we watched them begin to arm wrestle and fight. As they began to fight the prison started to shake and crumble. As the floor started to break I casually got up and sat on Ban's back crossed legged with my face leaning on my hand while I waited for them both to pack it in.
"The Captain's so cute when he gets all worked up!" Diane squealed to me.
"I think they're both idiots" I rolled my eyes at them both as the whole prison collapsed around us.

After their stupid game, Meliodas took us back to his little tavern bar thing. Ban immediately chose his room which I discovered is already taken. Meliodas showed me my room which is on the top floor with a balcony so that's alright. Later that night we were all sat outside drinking.
"Now Elizabeth let me introduce you. This is Ban, the Fox Sin of Greed" Meliodas introduced them and pointed at Ban who was sitting on a barrel.
"And this is Gracie, the Wolf Sin of Fear. We go way back". He laughed as he pulled me under his arm and ruffled my hair "And she's also the only person I know who is shorter than me" He laughed.
"I'll kill you" I scowled. Meliodas ruffled my hair again, stepped away and passed me a drink to get back in my good books.
"Hey Ban where did you get those clothes if you have no money?" Meliodas asked, only now realizing Ban had a new red jacket on.
"I can't walk around naked in front of a Princess and I stumbled across it" Ban smirked. I jumped onto the roof and stood next to Diane.
"Gracie I've missed you" She squealed as she grabbed me with her hand and hugged me.
"Long time no see Diane" Ban called out to her. She put me down next to him and turned away.
"I would have been perfectly happy not seeing you again for another 100 years" She scoffed.
"I'm Elizabeth. Pardon me for not getting up" She said. I looked down and saw her lying in bed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed another drink as Ban spoke to her.
"We're not big on ceremonies so let's just be friends. The 5 of us" Ban smiled.
"You mean the 6 of us?" A voice said. Ban stood up and looked at Meliodas.
"Captain, do you need glasses? There are 5 of us" Ban laughed as he looked at Meliodas who was silent.
"There's 6 of us. Do you have a screw loose?" The voice asked Ban.
"Who said that?" Ban was clearly confused.
"I did" We both looked down and saw a talking pig next to Meliodas.
"THERE'S A TALKING PIG HERE" Ban shouted as he jumped back away from it.
"You're just noticing?" It asked him.
"A pig talking like a person. That's more than I can handle man" Ban was being way over dramatic "Wait. You're King. Of course. You were cursed and finally turned into an actual pig" Ban laughed. I walked over to him and slapped him across the back of the head.
"Guess again" Diane told him as she rolled her eyes at him. Also done with his shit already.
"I heard that King's dead. Well that's what the rumors say anyway" Meliodas told us.
"I warn you I am no ordinary pig. I am Sir Hawk. Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal" The pig announced.
"Wow I've never heard of that order before" Ban blagged. I smacked him again just for being a dick. The doctor called us over for food. I sat next to Ban and Meliodas and got absoloutley shit faced. By the end of the night Ban was worse than me and was on top of Hawk.
"Sup Meliodas. Elizabeth huh?" I smirked as I looked over to her and waggled my eyebrows at him.
"Haven't changed much have you?" He asked me as he gave me a stern look.
"Keeping his attitude alive I suppose" I shrugged. Meliodas's eyes widened a bit.
"After all this time?" He asked me.
"Always" I told him as I walked away.

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