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*Meliodas View*

After hours of searching, we finally found the sin of the sleeping forest. Serpent Sin of Envy, Diane. She had just finished her jealousy routine and we were finally ready to move on to the next sin. Well we were until we were trapped in electricity after a random crow cawed. A thunder cloud appeared and a Holy knight appeared.
"It would seem we meet at last. Deadly Sins" The pink haired Holy knight greeted. He looks familiar.
"No doubt about it. You're a Holy Knight, aren't you?" I asked him
"Gilthunder is that you?" Elizabeth asked him. His lack of response was all the answer we needed. "Why are you doing this?" She asked him
"You know this guy?" I asked her. She began to explain how she knew him. He was the son of the grand master Zaratras.
"Wait a minute you're little Gil" The penny dropped for me. I then explained how I knew him and the times I trained him. Gil told us how he wanted revenge on the person who killed his father. I told him all that I could remember but the last thing that I know that happened was we found Zaratras dead and all the Holy Knights had us surrounded. They started their attack. I sent the sins to split up. The last words I heard were 'Captain I'm sorry' and I was knocked out and woke up in a cellar when I met Hawk. After Gil argued with Elizabeth and kicked Hawk away. He then got in my face and said the words that I knew meant trouble.
"I am now more powerful than any of the Eight Deadly Sins" I looked at him and knew what it meant. I released myself from the bonds as did Diane and I told her not to intervene. I fought with Gil. He had gotten a lot more powerful. I allowed him to knock me to the ground and I immediately jumped back up.
"You're a lot more powerful," I told him.
"Don't worry I'll send the others with you" He growled as he came from behind and slashed my shoulder. This is my chance. I fell to the floor. Gil kicked me round to face him.
"Meliodas. Eight Deadly Sins, Dragon Sin of Wrath. Do you have any last words?" Gil asked me
"W-what happened to the others" I faked dying as I spoke. He put his sword away.
"Very well I'll tell you. Of the remaining 6, 3 are still unaccounted for. As for the other 3. The Grizzly Sin of Sloth is already dead and is interred in the Necropolis. The Fox Sin of Greed and the Wolf Sin of Fear are both being kept under tight guard at Baste prison. But don't worry I'll ensure they all join you shortly" He told me.
"Thank you" I moaned. I then smiled as I shot open my eyes "Awesome. Little Gil" I smirked as I looked back at him. He looked pissed.

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