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Gracie and Arthur stood and watched as Meliodas and Hendrickson stared each other down.
"Should we help him?" Arthur questioned as the two came to blows.
"Na he'll be fine" Gracie shrugged as she turned around to walk away.
"Um Gracie" Arthur's voice called out. The Wolf Sin audibly groaned as she turned back around.
"What no-" She sighed. Her sentence was cut short as Gilthunder's thundercloud began to rumble above them. "For fuck sake" She whispered as she pulled her daggers back out, ready to attack. "Arthur" She called out to the ginger King. the boy looked over at her then back at what she was looking at "Be ready to jump in" She told him. Arthur nodded his head in obedience as he too picked his sword up off the ground. The two watched as a lightning bolt landed on Meliodas's sword, within an instant Gilthunder had appeared, his sword colliding with the Dragon Sins. Gracie kept her eye on Hendrickson as the other two started their fight. In the corner of her eye she could see Meliodas holding back.
"Arthur. Catch him" She ordered as Meliodas was sent flying into the air. He wasted no time as he obeyed her every word. Gracie watched him from the corner of her eye. I can't shake the image of Zel from my head. And it's every time I look at that kid. The two landed in front of her as Meliodas turned to face her.
"You mind lending me a hand a little longer?" He asked the pair. Arthur looked at Gracie before back at the Dragon Sin.
"Eh I got nothing better to do" She smirked as she got into position. Meliodas gave her a smile before turning back to the King of Camelot.
"Sure it's my pleasure" He smiled back at him.
"Good. Now let's pick up where we left off Little Gil" Meliodas suggested to the pink haired knight.
"Hendrickson is ours" Gracie told Arthur as Meliodas and Gil taunted each other. The two watched as Meliodas and Gil wasted no time in picking things back up.
"The speed of their strikes. It's unbelievable. Not only that but they're barely trying. Gracie couldn't help but to roll her eyes.
"Suck his dick any harder?" She scoffed at the King when a sudden movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Arthur stood in awe as her daggers flicked up in the blink of an eye to block Hendrickson's sword a centimetres away from his face.
"We have some unfinished business" Hendrickson scowled as he glared at the two. A smirk grew across Gracie's face as Arthur took his chance to go under Gracie and smack Hendrickson into the wall behind him.
"Aha nice one Zel" Gracie laughed as she jumped forward with another attack.

Meliodas froze for a moment as the words left Gracie's mouth. He looked over at the other two to see faint dark markings beginning to appear along Gracie's fingers and up to her wrist. He continued blocking Gilthunder's blows as his eyes began to widen at what Gracie was doing. She now stood on Hendrickson's sword using all her weight as force with her daggers also pushing against his blade. Hendrickson grunted as he struggled against her slow growing strength. I've seen this move before. Back when... Meliodas shoved Gilthunder off him before turning to face Arthur.
"Arthur catch her!" He shouted to the ginger. The King had a confused look on his face. "Listen to me. In a moment she'll kick off and go flying backwards, allowing the sword to swing back onto Hendrickson. While she's in the air she can't control her landings. You have to catch her" Meliodas explained as he continued fighting with Gilthunder. Arthur's eyes went wide as he looked back to see Gracie kicking up off the sword and flying through the air.
"Oh no" He called out as he jumped up to catch her in his chest. Meliodas couldn't shake his worry as the girl continued to laugh at her accomplishment of Hendrickson slicing himself in shock of her jumping away. The symbol of the Demon clan along with its dark markings were starting to faintly appear on Gracie's forehead, spreading down over her right eye and ending on her cheek. Meliodas gritted his teeth as he forced his attention away from her and back over to Gilthunder who was charging towards him with an electrified sword. Dammit! He thought to himself as he too started to use the dark power as the two collided, causing Arthur to also turn back to his fight with Hendrickson.
"Wait, he just stopped that thunderbolt attack using just his finger?" Arthur questioned as he turned to face the Dragon Sin. A laughter beside him caused his attention to then turn to the Sin next to him. Gracie had the same look on her face.
"I told him he'd have to use it eventually" She smirked, allowing her markings to become darker and more visible, along with the signature Demon Clan eye colour.
"What is this change in Sir Meliodas and Lady Gracie?" Arthur asked as he looked between the two.
"It's their demonic power emerging" Hendrickon explained as he took a step closer to the King before elbowing him in the gut.
"Demonic power?" Arthur repeated as he held his sword up in defence.
"No need for me to explain it to a dead man" Hendrickson laughed, Gracie's eyes looked to the side as she watched the pair "Now burn" He ordered as he threw another black fire attack at Arthur. A small blur rushed past Hendrickson and in front of Arthur as it took the hit.
"Gracie!" Arthur called out as she shoved him to the floor behind her and took the hit herself. Arthur watched in awe as she stood in front of him with her shoulder on fire. How is she still standing with that black fire burning into her shoulder? Arthur thought to himself.
"Why must you stand in my way?" Hendrickson growled at the Wolf Sin.
"Because it's not time" Was all she said to him. A small groan in pain came from her mouth as the fire continued to burn into her flesh, causing her to look away and grab onto her shoulder. Hendrickson took the opportunity to rush forwards and smack her down into Arthur onto the ground. The pair yelped in pain as they looked up at the knight. I guess it's been so long that my body isn't as used to Demonic attacks as it was before.
"My last attempts may have been thwarted but you'll both be ashes this time" Hendrickson told the pair.
"This is bad they won't go out" Arthur said as he repeatedly tried to pat out the flames on Gracie's shoulder. Within seconds the flames stopped. Gracie didn't need to turn to know who did it. Arthur's cloaked accomplice had appeared.
"You took your time" Gracie smirked as she forced herself back onto her feet.
"You got here just in time to save us. Thanks" Arthur thanked them before getting up himself. "I appreciate your help but we won't need anymore" Arthur smiled as he turned to face Hendrickson again.
"What a fool," Hendrickson laughed as he launched himself forward and at Arthur. Gracie gritted her teeth as her Demonic power faded away. If I use it for much longer then I'll lose all control. Gracie watched as Arthur launched himself at Hendrickson again.
"Arthur, wait!" She called out but it was too late. Hendrickson had already smacked him back. Arthur skidded next to Gracie as he looked at her. The pair looked at each other as Hendrickson made his attack. Just as the last of Gracie's markings faded he thrusted himself and his sword at her.
"Gracie! No!" Arthur called out as she barely dodged the sword. Arthur's eyes widened as blood started to trickle down from her side. Within a second Arthur too was thrown back and into the Wolf Sin. Both fighters stayed on the floor as they began to bleed.

Meliodas swerved away from all of Gilthunder's attacks when a quiet voice caught his attention.
"Meliodas. Your left" It was Gracie's voice. The Dragon Sin instantly moved and barely missed Hendrickson's sword. He looked over to see Arthur bleeding from the head and under him was Gracie bleeding from her side.
"Gracie" He whispered as his eyes widened at the sight. She kept control of her demon side.
"I tried my best to try to buy some more time for you but I'm a disgrace" Arthur sighed as he struggled to pull himself off the bleeding Sin below him.
"I'm sorry Meliodas" She breathed as her eyes struggled to stay open.
"Just stay with me a little while longer Gracie!" Meliodas shouted over to her before focusing on the two in front of him. "I'll kill you for what you did to her" He warned Hendrickson who could only laugh in return.
"Not if he kills you first" He whispered back. Meliodas's eyes widened. How does he know about Zeldris? Gracie groaned as she continued to try to force herself up from under Arthur.
"We have to help him" She gritted her teeth as she pushed Arthur to his feet.
"But your wounds" He pointed out. Gracie looked at the cloaked person behind them.
"You know what to do if it takes over," She said. The cloaked person nodded as Gracie started to focus. Arthur watched in awe as the dark markings covered her body again. Gracie closed her eyes as she focused. Left side. Left side. The two continued to watch as the markings started to move around her body. Eventually covering the sword mark that had cut open her left side. Arthur's eyes and mouth matched as they both became wide at what was happening. The dark markings had spread over the wound for a few seconds before completely vanishing. In a matter of moments the markings and the wound had vanished. "Catch.. The.. Princess" She breathed before pointing at a falling Princess Margaret. Arthur wasted no time in running after her. Gracie took this time to slowly stand herself up as Gilthunder electrocuted Hendrickson.
"Are you okay?" A voice from behind asked. Gracie turned to see Meliodas standing behind her.
"Yeah I only used it to sew up the cut. Everything else I didn't bother with" She told him. Meliodas looked her up and down before flinging her arm over his shoulder for support. "He's got stronger" She laughed as the two walked over to Arthur and the others.
"But we all know you're more powerful. If they really are gonna release them then we need to find a way for you to be able to use your full power without losing control" He told her. Quickly after a smile found its way to his face "But in the meantime you need to take it easy. I mean just look at the toll it takes on your body" He laughed slightly. "Gotta say, you're a lifesaver. Thanks a lot" Meliodas smiled at Arthur as the two approached him.
"Well actually it was thanks to her" Arthur bragged as he pointed to the cloaked person.
"How, when did you realise this?" The second mage asked as she stood alone.
"Oh about Lil Gil? Back when we met up in the Forest of White Dreams" Meliodas smiled.
"Diane?" Gracie asked.
"Diane" Meliodas confirmed for her.
"What was that?!" The mage shouted.
"Honestly the minute I heard those words I taught him all those years ago I knew his every move was being watched and that someone really important to him had been taken hostage" Meliodas explained as he readjusted Gracie so she could see better.
"You knew it all from the beginning?" The mage questioned. "That's a lie! You were fighting with everything you've got" She exclaimed.
"That's everything you've got" Gracie laughed, earning her a nudge into her good side.
"Shut up" He scolded "Well Lil Gil was putting everything on the line for the woman he loves so putting my own life on the line too was just me being a good buddy" Meliodas explained.
"Impossible. It can't end like this. I won't allow it!" She shouted. The group all looked around them and the world began to change.
'Where are we?" Meliodas asked as they stood in a desert, only for it to continue changing.
"Sort her out will you?" Gracie asked as she looked up at the cloaked mage.
"Which world would you like to die in?" The mage laughed as the group all ended up on the edge of a waterfall. Behind her a huge dragon jumped up with its mouth open. Gracie couldn't contain her laugh as it went to eat her. Unfortunately the cloaked mage stopped it.
"Don't be a killjoy" Gracie scoffed as Meliodas lifted her up a bit more.
"You pathetic excuse for a mage" She screamed as she charged at the cloaked one.
"You're gonna regret that" Meliodas laughed to Gracie as the purple cloak began to swirl around.
"You're always losing your head and getting yourself into a rage. Thought I told you to kick that habit. Vivian my apprentice" The swirling said with a hint of amusement in her voice.
"That Boar symbol on your neck. The Scarlet Boar. You're...." Vivian couldn't finish her sentence.
"There's no way I ever would've guessed she'd be with you Arthur" Meliodas laughed as they all watched as the woman landed. "The Eight Deadly Merlin. The Boar Sin" He announced. 

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