"No one asked you to fetch me?" Jennie sarcastically rolled her eyes and laughed.

"But I want to, and I will." Lisa smiled back with a pause, "You're still not going to let me know where you live?"

"I live here, duh." Jennie emphasised as she gestured to the whole of her neighbourhood which was obviously not specific enough to just identify one house.

Lisa just shook her head, "Fine, I won't ask anymore. I'll wait for you here then."

"Goodnight Jennie." She almost whispered as she saw Jennie lean forward to the car window left open for them to hear each other.

"Night Lisa." Jennie beamed at her boss one last time before making her way down the streets with a skip in her steps.

What is this? I'm not supposed to feel this way. Lisa thought as she watched the brunette's silhouette slowly fade away.


Jennie woke up early and noticed there was still some time till Lisa picked her up so she decided to do some work to past time. After breakfast, she made her way to her parent's store for awhile before having lunch with Alice nearby.

When she got back home, Kai said he was free to call so they talked for awhile.

"Hey babe, how's it over there?" He sounded groggy from the other end of the line. Maybe he just woke up, Jennie thought.

"Pretty good, my friend's getting married today and I'll go with my boss to attend the wedding dinner." Jennie briefly mentioned as she looked at him from the screen. She wondered why but her fiancé was starting to look older, though he still looked good.

"That's nice. You've told me a lot about this boss of yours, I hope to meet her when I'm back."

"I'm sure she'll be fine with it." Jennie smiled and he smiled back. But when she smiled, she was unconsciously thinking about Lisa.

Somehow, their call time keeps getting shorter and shorter. It's barely been months since they were away from each other but it feels like there's nothing really to talk about between them.

"I have to go now, I'll text you later okay?" Kai said before he ended the call almost immediately, cutting Jennie off when she wanted to say bye.

"Whatever, you always say that but you don't even do it anyways." Jennie mumbled to herself with slight irritation. Kai always claims to text her back but when he does, most of the times it would just say 'have a good nights sleep, I'm going to bed.'.

And Jennie would frown because what was the point of saying that if he was just going to go ahead and sleep anyway?

"Stupid men."

The brunette made her way to the living room and saw that her mom came home.

"Mom? You're back?"

"Oh, Jennie, your dad is running the store so I just wanted to come home for a little rest before going back." Susan sat on the sofa before looking back at her daughter.

"What's wrong? Something happened?"

Jennie pondered as she fiddled with her fingers on the spot, "Nothing mom, I just.. something's been bothering me a little for awhile."

"You can tell me about it." Susan pat the area beside her before Jennie made her way over like a child.

"I feel very distant from Kai recently, like his texts are dry and every time he calls, we don't even talk past ten minutes." Jennie's mom listened intently to her daughter.

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