Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

The young man smiled a little and gently gripped his hand in a friendly manner. "I have time..." he whispered quietly. He found that he had missed the man, he had become close with the children and been there for them. Especially when things got bad.

The agent sighed softly, giving him a small smile. "I... was fighting off the cons with Wheeljack when we got separated. I got called back to base and.... well... I don't want to talk about it really but I lost my status. I'm too old to be a soldier so now I handle some communications." He admitted. 

Rafael watched him then smiled sadly in understanding. "That's alright." He whispered quietly. He was silent for a few minutes then glanced down either way of the halls. "Agent Fowler... The bots are here." He whispered quietly. 

Fowler blinked in surprise and leaned back from the bars. "They are? Where? We don't have cars around here. Only the military is allowed to have vehicles." He said with shock. "How can you be sure?" 

"Holoforms." He whispered quietly and glanced around. "Bumblebee and Ratchet are here. Bulkhead and Wheeljack are coming. We don't know where the others are though... Jack said he saw Optimus but... that's about it. Magnus... we haven't seen him or heard from him since Darkmount..." he whispered. 

Fowler nodded a bit then frowned deeply. "Ultra Magnus... I heard he was captured with Ratchet and Wheeljack... are you sure Ratchet is here?" He whispered then frowned as he rubbed his forehead. "I'm very confused." 

"So am I... but Ratchet is here. He got captured once then managed to escape with Wheeljack after the bots went to save them... Magnus sacrificed himself so they could get out... I don't know what happened after that..." he whispered quietly. 

Fowler hummed softly as he tried to piece it all together. "Well... it sounds like then we just need to find Magnus and Optimus." He rubbed his chin. "I'll see what I can do here. Just hang tight, I'll be back later." He said and began to leave. 

"And Arcee..." he whispered quietly and gripped the bars as he felt his anxiety again. "Thank you Agent Fowler... for everything..." he said and watched him go. He closed his eyes as his hands shook and he felt nervous again. He squeezed his eyes tightly and sighed before going back to the corner. He sat there and hugged his knees to his chest again. He worked on calming himself and buried his face as he gripped his arms. "It's okay... it'll be okay...." he mumbled to himself. 

The old man left and began going down the halls to talk to superiors about this. He tried to get them to understand the photo had the Autobots in it. He was taking a long time to return. A man came back with food and water but it wasn't Fowler and the man didn't stay. Raf jumped a little and looked at the man. He watched him intently then glanced at the food but didn't touch it. He buried his face again and tried desperately to calm himself. He was trying not to lose it, but he kept thinking he was with the cons again. He started shaking more and rocked a little. He silently hoped he could get out of this place soon.

Soon Agent Fowler returned, the man frowning. "I couldn't do much for you but I got them to start considering and investigating. You can't leave just yet though." He sighed, frowning as he put his hands in his suit pockets. "I'm sorry Rafael." 

"No... thank you... for everything." He said as he looked up at him. He thought for a long time then his expression fell a little. "Fowler... the military have proof right under their noses." He said seriously as he remembered something. "Before Bumblebee left for a long time... he brought his alternate mode here for safe keeping. The soldiers put it in storage because we can't really drive down here." He said seriously. "We never said what it really was though... he just wanted it to be safe. I told them it was my car and I wanted to store it...." He chuckled sadly. 

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