Chapter 27

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After the fight I had with Thomas yesterday morning, he hasn't spoken to me all day. This was what I was trying to avoid. But when we walked past each other in he hallway once in the afternoon yesterday, his eyes softened with excitement but then he looked away a second later. I guess it's because I didn't leave. And it's not because of him. The only reason I stayed was because of Katie . . . and Natasha.

Speaking of Natasha, that's where I'm headed now. Bruce called me this morning and asked if I can come to his lab. He sounded nervous which made me nervous. And when I'm nervous, it makes me angry for some reason, and then I'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day, which isn't a good thing. So cross your fingers and hope the news is good news.

"Hey Bruce," I said as I walked into his lab. I looked to my right and saw Natasha. She looked the same and it made me tear up, but I quickly blinked them away.

"Hey, can you shut the door?" he asked.

My eyes narrowed. "Why? And where are the others?"

"The others aren't coming. I have to talk to you. Just, you." He said emphasizing 'you'.

"Alrighty. . . ." I said suspiciously and I closed the door to Bruce's lab.

I sat down in the chair closest to Bruce and realized it was one of those spiny chairs. I spun around a few times.

Then I saw Bruce's face; he didn't look in a happy mood. "What? It's fun." I said shrugging my shoulders as I spun around more.

Bruce held out his hand and stopped the chair from spinning. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"This. Is. Serious." Bruce said with his usual serious, this-is-not-a-game face.

"Oh, okay." I said putting on my best 'Bruce-Banner' face. But just the look on his face made me burst out laughing. He didn't look happy at that, but that didn't help being that it just made me laugh more.

"Stop. Laughing." He said, but I ignored him and continued to laugh; my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was going to die of laughter.

"Natasha is dying!" He shouted, making me stop laughing.

I stopped dead. "W-What did you say?"

"Natasha is dying." He said quietly this time and looked down.

"B-but she can't b-be. She's alive, isn't she?" I said tears brimming my eyes.

"Just because someone is alive dosen't mean they can't be dying!" Bruce snapped. I stayed quiet. He sighed and looked down glumly. "I'm sorry, it's just-" he trailed off.

"How? Why?" I asked him.

Bruce sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Well I did my research and it turns out, the Skrull's plan wasn't to intentionally turn anybody evil. I think the knife was just supposed to be like any other knife; to kill. But being there was a chemical they weren't familiar with at the edge of the knife, they were trying to do something with it, but I don't know that piece of the puzzle yet.

"I did find out that, being they weren't supposed to turn anybody evil in the first place, they were experimenting on the chemical in the knife. They never tested it before. Stabbing Natasha . . . that was the first time they used it. And they're going to pay for it." Bruce said angrily.

Tears were streaming down my face as I shook with fury. The Skrulls never experimented on that stupid knife and now Natasha is in danger. She turned against us, but it wasn't her fault. It was the Skrulls. They took everything from us. The Helicarrier, Natasha, and now they plan on taking over my planet. Not happening.

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