Chapter 29

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What not to do when being chased by an alien disguised as a girl with a weird fashion statement: Don't just stand there like a lump on a log staring into space with wide eyes. Here's what to do: Run.

Well, you can do whatever you want to, it's not like I care (no offense). But me? I want to live. That weirded-dressed-teenager looked scary with her eyes glowing with rage. So I ran.

She followed, of course.

As I ran out the door, I realized I still had my coffee with me. I tried drinking while running (don't judge me, I'm not letting coffee go to waste) but that didn't work out. I spilled some on my chin and I yelped. It was still hot.

I risked a glance behind my shoulder. Feathers (as I called her, being she had this great big white feather on her hat) was still after me, gaining up on me. Where was I supposed to go?

Just then, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

"Really, now?!" I said aloud as I turned a corner.

I grabbed my phone and it read, Boss. I grumbled loudly in frustration and put the phone to my ear.


"Not a good time to yell at me!" I said and risked another glance; Feathers is catching up.

"You need to corner her!" said Nick.

"What are you talking about?" I said and then I realized what Nick meant. "Wait-are you stalking me?!"

"Stalking isn't the word I would use." He said. "More like . . . tracking."


"I have eyes everywhere."

"You only have one eye, actually." I pointed out.

"Not the time to be making jokes."

"There is always time to be making jokes." I said.

"Not the point." He snapped. "Do you remember what I gave you this week?"

"You mean that talk about me being adopted and me not knowing and-"

"Are we really doing this now?"

"We're really doing this now."

"You know what to do, Savannah." I winced and almost fell on my face when he said my first name. "We are counting on you."

Then he hung up. At first I didn't know what he was talking about, but then I thought back to this week during training.

Stalking isn't the word I would use. Nick had said. More like . . . tracking.


You know what to do, Savannah. We are counting on you.

I know what to do.

I looked up ahead and lucky enough, there was an alley. I looked back and Feathers was looking exhausted but she didn't look like she was gonna stop any time soon.

I ran into the alley. It was pitch dark. I took out my phone and shone my flashlight around. When I turned around, Feathers was standing an inch away from me.

She threw the first punch, and unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to dodge it. I stumbled and dropped my phone. And the light was flashed at the brick wall, so that sucked.

I felt rough hands touch my back and suddenly I was on the floor. I swung my leg and touched something, which I hoped was Feather's legs. Then I heard a thump and I knew I tripped her.

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