Chapter 2

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I sat on my bed, bored. I had off from work today, so I got to stay home all day. Usually, I would be happy to get a day off, but today I had no plans. I decided to just turn on the TV to the NEWS.

"Today, we had reports that there was a villain - Electro - that escaped from prison." The reporter, Jessie, said. "But, there was no sign of the Avengers. They never showed up and now Electro is on the loose. Police officers tried to fight him off since the Avengers was nowhere to be seen, but they did not win. Let's now turn the camera to Amy."

"Thank you, Jessie. I am here where the fight with Electro took place two hours ago. As you can see, there has been cars ruined, stores crumbled, and some people injured. Some police officers were electrocuted and have been sent to the hospital." Amy said. "Let's see what some people have to say about this."

"This is ridiculous, I mean what's the point of being superheroes if you're not there to protect us?" A man said.

"People have gotten hurt because of this...Electro character. That's what the Avengers are for, to prevent us from getting injured." A woman explained.

The camera then turned to Amy again. "We will have more on this report at eight."

I turned the TV off and rolled my eyes. I wouldn't want to be a superhero if I'm not there to save the day, I thought.

As I was about to take a nap, my phone rang. I picked it up, without looking at the ID.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey, it's Katie."

"Oh, hey Katie." I said with a smile. "What's up?"

"I'm free today and was wondering if you maybe wanna grab a coffee with me and catch up on things?" Katie asked.

"Sure, I'd love to."

"Great! Meet me at Dunkin' Donuts in half an hour?"

"Okay, I'll be there. See you soon."


Katie and I have been best friends since the 3rd grade. We have always been there for each other. We've spent the whole four years of high school together, but we ended up going to different colleges. Both of us have been super busy because of it so we don't get to spend that much time together. But we when we get a chance to see each other, we take it.

I got off my bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I got out of the shower, I got dressed. I wore a black tank top with black jeans and black converse. I brushed my brown hair and tied it up in a high ponytail, then brushed my teeth and washed my face. Before leaving, I grabbed my phone and keys and stuck them in my pocket.

I hated purses.

* * *

When I got to Dunkin' Donuts, I looked for Katie, but she wasn't here. I walked across the room and sat at a table with two chairs next to the window and waited for her. I turned on my cell phone and texted her.

Me: Hey, I'm here. You close?

No reply. I waited 10 minutes for her. I hope she's alright, I thought. After 5 more minutes of waiting, I got a text from her.

Katie: Hey, I'm sorry. I can't make it. One, I'm stuck I'm traffic and two, my professor just texted me extra homework due tomorrow. I have to get it done. Maybe we can grab a coffee some other time? Sorry again.

Me: No, that's fine. I hope you get your homework done. Good luck!

Guess I'll just go get coffee since I'm already here, I thought to myself. I got up from my table and went to wait on line. When it was my turn, I asked for a coffee. When the girl gave it to me, I paid her and went back to my table.

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