Chapter 22

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We walked into the control room to see Nick standing up with his hands behind his back and Thor sitting in a chair. Nick and Thor looked at us and we looked at them with sad faces. Bruce and Clint walked over to the table to sit down, but I stayed where I was. I didn't feel like moving or speaking. I don't feel like doing anything, to be honest.

"What's the matter with you?" Nick demanded me.

I stared at him with my eyes blurred with tears. I didn't let them fall. Not now, I can't be thought of a weakling.

When I didn't answer him, he repeated the question, "What is the matter with you, Bricks?"

I didn't respond. I couldn't look at him in the eye, so I looked down at the floor. Nick let out a sigh of annoyance and frustration, "What the hell happened?"

Nobody answered him which made him slam his hand on the glass table, making all of us jump. I've never seen Nick this angry. But then again, I've only known him for about four months. Just then, Tony came running in without his suit, sweating.

"What happened?" Nick asked him, veins popping out of his temple, making him look dangerous and vicious.

"You...don't...know, yet?" Tony asked panting.

"Does it look like I know what the hell happened?!"

"Right then," Tony said wiping sweat off his forehead with his sleeve, "It's Tasha. She's, hurt, badly. It looks like she got shot in the stomach and stabbed in the leg."

I bit my bottom lip to stop the tears from falling. Nick shook his head and looked down.

"Is she alive?" Clint asked looking up. His eyes are red and cheeks wet.

"Yes," Tony said, but not the tone we expected, "But...she's in bad shape."

"Where's Rogers?" Nick asked Tony.

"With Tasha," He replied, "Of course," he added.

Silence took over us. I looked down at the floor. There was still this one question that was bothering me, telling me to ask, but I couldn't seem to speak. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. Why can't I speak?

"Is she awake?" Bruce asked as if reading my thoughts. Thank you, Bruce.


I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and ran forward, jostling my way past Tony and through the door. I ran through a long hallway and turned right, where Natasha laid. I stopped dead in my tracks. Natasha was speaking to Steve, who was sitting in a chair near her bed and holding onto her pale hand. She had bandages around her stomach and her leg.

Natasha jerked her head in my direction and stared at me. She whispered something in Steve's ear and he nodded. He then stood up, kissed her forehead, and giving me a glance, walked out of the room.

I gulped and walked slowly over to Natasha, and sat in the chair near her bed, replacing Steve's place. I looked at her. Her hair was short, curly and red, but dirty. It looked like a bird's nest, with tangles. Her face was covered in cuts and bruises, but her green eyes still pop out. She smiled a weak smile. I tried smiling back, at least put up a fake smile, but my face stayed straight.

"Hey," She said, looking at me in the eyes.

I opened my mouth to say 'hi' back, but nothing came out. Why can't I talk? It feels like something is blocking my vocal cords, preventing me to speak. Natasha nodded, as if saying she knows I can't speak, for some reason.


"What happened to you?" I blurted out, finally talking, though it felt weird.

" shot and stabbed in the leg," She said, almost looking angry, "I can't believe it..."

I sighed, cutting her off, knowing she was going to start blaming herself for her injuries.

"Don't you dare, Nat," I said, "Don't you dare blame yourself,"

"It's my fault!" She exclaimed, ignoring what I had just said, "I'm supposed to be a spy, know everything, every move someone makes-"


"I'm so stupid! How couldn't I see two Skrulls come at me by surprise? Nobody comes at me surprised!" She said, raising her voice.

I opened my mouth to try and stop her, but she spoke instead, "It's my fault, how can I be so foolish?"

"Stop it!" I shouted, "Just, stop, okay? Stop blaming yourself."


"It's not your fault, Natasha!" I said, "You didn't see them coming, so what? It's not a big deal!"

"Not a big deal?" She said, getting angry, "I got hurt because I was stupid! If I had seen them coming, I wouldn't be in this damn bed! I wouldn't be weak!"

"We are superheroes, Natasha. We are all going to get hurt sometime. We all make mistakes, we are human. Human makes mistakes, that's what we do!"

She looked down at her dirty hands and sighed a long sigh. She shook her head and closed her eyes, still looking at her hands. "Your right. It's just...I'm not used to making mistakes, you know? I don't make mistakes, that's not me. I'm a spy and an assassin. I always get what I want."

"Well, your just gonna have to get used to making mistakes, 'cause...we aren't God,"


Nick paced back and forth, hands behind his back. We all sat in the same room, except for Natasha, of course, and Steve. I bet you can tell where he is.

We were discussing the Skrulls disappearance. Nick showed us the security cameras and it looked like they teleported somewhere. A flash of blue light and BAM, they're gone.

"Do you know where they've gone?" Bruce asked.

"No," Nick replied, "But my agents are tracking them down as we speak, so we'll know soon,"

"Why would the leave all of a sudden? I mean, sure we we're winning, but I didn't think they would be cowards and give up," Tony said.

"I don't think they gave up," Nick said suspiciously, "Why would they give up if they're plan was to rule the planet? They wouldn't give up that easily,"

"Hold up," Clint said, "Your not saying what I think your saying-"

"It's not over yet," Nick said ignoring Clint.

"Nick's right," I spoke up, "We won the battle, but we haven't won war,"

Authors Note: I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm just caught up in homework and I really can't stop reading this series. If any of you are interested in Harry Potter fanfictions, check this series out: Obliviate. It's awesome! Anyway, so sorry again, I'll try and update every week. Thanks!


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