Chapter 8

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"So, why'd you say your friend would be a better addition to the team then you?" Natasha asked as we were trying to find Thomas.

"He's...special." I said.

"What do you mean he's special?" She asks.

"He has powers."

"Powers? What powers?"

"He's a mutant, he can read minds." I said.

"Wow, that's cool." She said. "Where'd you meet?"

"Jail," I said. "He was the only one nice to me."

"Oh, there's Maria. Let's ask her where Thomas is." Natasha said as we walked over to Agent Hill.

"Hey Maria," Natasha said.

She turned around and smiled. "Oh hey, Natasha. What's up?"

"Savannah was wondering where her friend, Thomas was."

"Oh, I showed him where the showers were, then when he was done I showed him around the Helicarrier. He should be in his room." She said.

"Where's his room?" I ask.

"It's straight down that hall and to the right." Maria said pointing.

"Thanks." I said to her. She nodded. I started walking and said to Natasha, "Would you like to meet him?"

She smiled, "Sure."

We walked to Thomas's room. I knocked and I heard Thomas say, "Come in."

I opened the door and saw Thomas sit on his bed. When he looked up and saw me, he smiled. "Hey."

I smiled back and sat next to him. Natasha sat in the chair near his bed.

"Tom, this is Natasha aka the Black Widow."

"Nice to meet you Natasha." He said and she smiled.

"And you." She said.

"How was your shower?" I asked Thomas.

"It felt so good. Now, I can shower everyday instead of once a month." Thomas said smiling.

"Yuck, showering only once a month, I can't live like that." Natasha said.

"So why did Nick want you?" Thomas asked me.

"He...wants me to become an Avenger." I said sadly.

"Well, that's cool, why do you sound disappointed?"

"I still don't know why he wants me to become one, why not you? Your the one with mutant powers!" I say.

"Well, he didn't expect to bail two people out did he?" Thomas said. "It wouldn't be fair if he decided to pick me instead, when he wanted you in the first place."

"He's right." Natasha said. "If you want, I can train you."

I nodded, "Sure."

Then, Steve came running in. "Steve, what's wrong?" Natasha asked.

"I looked all over for you guys." He replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nick wants all of us," He says. "He says it's an emergency."

Natasha and I got up. "See you later Tom." I said.

"Bye." He waved. We walked out of the room and I closed the door behind us. We followed Steve to see what's the emergency.


When we got to the room, the rest of the Avengers were there - including Thor. He noticed me and looked at Nick.

"Who is this women?" He asked Nick.

"This is Savannah Bricks, she's the new Avenger I told you about."

Thor got up, took my hand and kissed it. "Greetings, Savannah Bricks." He said as he let go of my hand. I blushed and all that came out was, "Hi."

Natasha, Steve, and I sat at the table with the rest of the Avengers.

"So what's the emergency?" Steve asked.

"We have a new enemy." Nick said.

"Really? On my first day of being an Avenger?" I said frustrated.

"Do you have any important information about this new enemy you speak of?" Asked Thor.

"Yes, that's why I brought you all here."

"Just make it fast, I have a date with Pepper tonight." Stark said.

"This new enemy, is an alien-"

"Of course, it's an alien! It's always an alien!" Stark said.

"Stark, I'm not done yet," Nick said angrily. "No interruptions. This new enemy, we found out, calls himself Skrull. He escaped prison in space. And he is planning to take over the world. But he's not alone, he has an army of Skrulls."

"But why would they want to take over?" Steve asked.

"Where have you been, grandpa? All our enemies want to rule this planet." Stark said rolling his eyes.

Steve ignored him. "How'd they escape prison?"

"We don't know." Nick replied.

"So what can they do?" Bruce asked.

"They are shapeshifters. They can shapeshift into any person they see."

"That's just great." Clint said sarcastically.

"We got a video of Skrulls attacking S.W.O.R.D." Nick said.

"What's S.W.O.R.D?" I ask.

"It's similar to S.H.I.E.L.D, but they deal with extraterrestrial threats. And they are in space. They were the ones who put the Skrulls in prison." Nick explained.

"Oh, what does it stand for? Or is it not an acronym?"

"No, it is. It stands for: Sentient World Observation and Response Department." Nick says. I nod.

"So let's see this video." Natasha says.

Nick presses a button on a remote and a video shows up on the wall; because of the projector.

There is a women with green hair and green sunglasses holding the camera to her face.

'Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, this is Agent Brand, commanding officer of S.W.O.R.D. If your watching this, then I'm probably...never mind that. I have called to inform you that the Skrulls have escaped our prison. I don't know how, but they did and that's all that matters. The-" She gets cut off.

'Agent Brand, they broke down the doors. They are down the hallway!' An agent says.

'Have agents guard that door! We don't want them here!' She shouts at him. He nods and goes off to do what she ordered. Then she turns back to the camera.

'Fury, they are headed towards Earth. I don't know when they plan to, but I have a feeling it's right after they take care of us. The Avengers need to save Earth before the Skrulls take over. S.W.O.R.D can't do anything about this, I'm sorry. I-"

Then, the door broke down. Agents started shooting. We couldn't see the Skrulls because the camera was only focused on Agent Brand. She looked at the door, then back at the camera.

'Fury, I'm sorry. Good luck, and goodbye.' She said before she covered the leans with her hand. Just before the video ended, we heard Agent Brand scream.

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