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Requested by EmpressDiana. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!! I tried to make it decent but I feel like it's just cringy low-key :/

With that being said, there are some suggestive themes but nothing too much. It's mainly just with the dialogue hehe I'm kind of a sucker for that sort of thing


"Hello, my babies," you cooed into the camera as you sat in the passenger seat of Jungkook's car. When your viewers would see your new video pop up in their subscriptions, they'd be met with a title that read, "painting my husband so I don't get corona." Seoul would be going into lockdown for a while – or at least you figured it would with the way everyone was freaking out – so you were getting a whole bunch of stuff to bide your time while you were stuck at home. You stocked up on a few cake mixes to get your baking on, but you were also pretty sure you'd be doing some painting while under quarantine. With that being said, you hadn't done a portrait in a while – your last one had been last year for your grandmother – and you thought it'd be fun if you painted your husband.

"Good idea, right?" you had asked him and Jungkook just sighed. "What's wrong? You don't want me to paint you? I'm good I swear – it's what I get for being a perfectionist."

So, you were currently on your way to an arts and crafts store to stock up on materials you might need so you could get your painting done without having to leave it unfinished until everything opened up again.

When you arrived at the store, you filmed a little of your shopping process, which was mainly just you dumping a whole bunch of brown paint into the cart. "Why do you need all those?" Jungkook asked you.

"Because I don't know which ones will look best. I'm also out of brown at home," you answered. You picked up a few other paint tubes before getting a couple of other materials you might need and deciding you were finished.

"If this doesn't get you by, I'm going to pray that you get corona," Jungkook snickered to you as you waited in line to pay for your things.

"Awe, you wouldn't do that, would you?" you pouted, giving him a sad look.

He shrugged. "I might."

"I'm offended. You know what, instead of painting you, I'll paint a nice picture of poop that looks like you. That's why I got all this brown," you huffed, crossing your arms.

When you got home, you told Jungkook to do whatever he needed to because you were going to need him to model for you.

"How do you want me, honey?" he purred, winking at you and biting his lip.

"Clothed," you stated simply. "I'm filming, remember?" You gestured to your camera that was on the counter beside you.

"You don't have to," Jungkook smirked. "You could do another on the side, just for your viewing pleasure."

You sighed. "Please go pee because you're going to be sitting for a while. I do not want to hear another peep from you."

And just ten minutes later, you found yourself sitting on a stool with a blank canvas in front of you on an easel and your husband a few feet away in front of a wall. You picked up a pencil and made sure everything was situated before looking up at Jungkook. "Okay, sit up straight, baby."

Jungkook groaned as he straightened his posture, giving you a bored look. "How long is this going to be?"

"A long time. Turn to the side a bit," you continued, trying to find the right angle you wanted. You had a picture already planned in your head – now if only Jungkook would cooperate and let you bring that idea to life.

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