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Requested by taekookiephant. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!!


You were eating alone at a small dine-in restaurant before you headed home from getting a few things you needed. Jungkook was currently out on a business trip and you would later video chat with him when you went to bed. You were scrolling through your phone as you ate, but you couldn't help but pick up on the conversation that two girls were sharing in the booth behind you.

"Speaking of hot guys," the first girl stated, "have you ever seen Jeon Jungkook?"

"No," the other responded. "Who's that?"

There was a pause before you heard the first girl say, "Him," and you imagined her turning her phone around with a picture of your husband on the screen.

"Oh, he's pretty cute. I'm more into blondes but I'll give him credit," the second girl stated.

"Um, girl," the first said emotionless. "He's literally a god." Thank you, I'm married to him! You thought.

"I said he was cute," the second defended. "Geez."

The first made a disapproving sound. "He's married, though."

"Well, good for her," you heard the second one murmur. You wanted to turn around and tell her thank you, but you kept to yourself and your noodles.

"I guess," the first replied. "To be honest, I think he could do better." You heard tapping and then the second girl chimed in.

"Oh, she's pretty! Don't be rude. I wish my hair looked that soft." Thank you! Natural shampoos and conditioners are key!

You heard a scoff. "She is not. She looks so... average."

You frowned. You had such a small following on YouTube that you rarely got any hate comments, but when you did you always felt awful. It was natural, really. Everyone feels bad when they get hate. But you always wore the weight of the world when you came across a comment talking about how annoying you were or how Jungkook definitely didn't deserve you – those were the worst. And, to make it worse, you had always felt weird in your body. You didn't think you were ugly, but you didn't think you were pretty, either. You always felt awkward when you had to go swimming or wear pretty things because you never felt like you were pretty enough to pull any of it off.

"That is so mean," the second girl commented. "You never know, anyway. He probably went after her instead of the other way around." He did.

But that was another thing – no matter how many people tried to cover up the hate comments and tell you that you weren't annoying or that you were pretty, the hate comments would outweigh them by thousands. You pulled at your hair anxiously, waiting to hear more.

"I think he did but he should've wasted his time with someone else – someone that's prettier," the first continued.

"And who might that be?" the second asked, clearly fed up with her friend's attitude.

"Uh, me," the first snickered. "I don't know! Just not her."

You pushed your plate away, finished with your meal, before you grabbed your things and slid out of the booth. You walked up to the cashier and paid for your meal, sneaking glances toward the booth that had been behind you. The one sitting the farthest away from you looked up and saw you, blinked a couple of times, before giving you a sympathetic look. She clearly recognized you since she mouthed an "I'm sorry" as you went back to your table to leave a tip.

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