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Jungkook's parents were visiting you both for a week. Jungkook thought it would be cute and fun to do a video with them. He went to social media and asked his viewers what they thought he should do as a video with his parents. And the most requested thing was a Q&A. So he asked them for questions and a ton came pouring in. A week later, a video appeared on his channel that featured both of his parents and himself.

"Okay, so I'm just going to ask you guys the questions my viewers asked and you guys are going to answer," Jungkook told them, his phone ready in his hand.

His mom and dad both said that they were ready for the first question.

"So your first question is from @kitty_paws and they asked 'What was Jungkook like as a little kid?'" Jungkook looked up at his parents, awaiting their answer.

"You were very mischievous," his dad said. "You liked to hide things that belonged to us or your brother."

"You were also very needy of attention," his mother added. "And as a baby, you barely slept. I had to stay up all night since you stayed awake during the night."

Taehyung was helping with the camera and watchers would hear him snicker, "He still does that."

"You're not involved in this," Jungkook scolded before finding another question. "Oh, here's a good one. @sarahwithanh asked 'Did you approve of Jungkook' decision to become a YouTuber?'" He looked at his parents, knowing the answer.

His dad sighed. "Well, I was kind of worried. He was going to be putting himself out there and I didn't want him to get into something he didn't need to. But I thought it was nice that he found something he enjoyed. Through elementary and middle school, he didn't really do any after-school activities. We tried to get him into sports, but he would always come home and say that it wasn't any fun and he just didn't enjoy it. But he came home one day and told us about YouTube and how it could be a job later on in life. He told us how he liked it and that being on YouTube was his dream job. I was very happy that he finally had something to work towards, since he was still lost about what to be after school."

"Mom?" Jungkook turned his attention to his mother, who had a sour face.

"I didn't approve," she said bluntly. "I didn't like the idea of him putting his face out there. I knew he didn't know the dangers of it at the time. But I think after the fifth time I caught him going behind my back to record a video, I let him do it without bugging him."

"He was very sneaky as a kid and if he got in trouble and got his laptop or phone taken away, he would always find a way to sneak on it," his dad chuckled.

"Did you expect me not to?" Jungkook snickered. "The next question is from @dogsaremyreligion-"

"Oh, same," Taehyung muttered and Jungkook gave him the stink eye for interrupting. "Hey, I'm just saying that I can relate."

"They asked 'How did you feel when you found out that (Y/N) walked away when Jungkook first proposed to her?'" Jungkook looked at his parents, his lips pressed into a line.

"I was angry," his mom said flatly.

"At who?" Taehyung asked, breaking his silence yet again.


Taehyung started laughing and Jungkook's face went red. "Wait, you need to explain," Jungkook told his mom through giggles.

"We told you to wait," his mom lectured, giving him a very frustrated look.

His dad nodded. "We brought up that you were just getting out of high school, but you went ahead and asked anyways."

"You had no clue where you were going to live," his mom continued.

Jungkook grinned. "Yeah, I hadn't thought what would come after she said yes."

"But she didn't," Taehyung said.

"Yeah, you should've thought about what you would've done if she said no," his dad added.

"This is Q&A time," Jungkook sighed. "Not attack Jeon Jungkook time."

"I wasn't really that angry with (Y/N) because she just got out of high school and she was going to college. When you become married, you become one, and since you really didn't have a plan after she answered, she would be entrusting her life with someone who didn't know what they were going to do for themselves," his mom noted.

Jungkook pouted. "I thought this was going to be a fun question, but you guys decided to turn it against me. Next question!"

The next question asked, "Do you ever watch either Jungkook's or (Y/N)'s videos?"

"I sometimes put my son's videos on in the background when I'm working around the house or fixing something," Jungkook's dad answered. "I don't get to talk to him like I used to, so it's nice to hear his voice sometimes."

"I'm touched," Taehyung awed.

"I don't watch your videos that much," his mom admitted.

"Why?" Jungkook asked her.

"You play a lot of scary games and I don't like those," his mom replied. "I do watch the videos you do with my daughter-in-law, but I mainly just watch hers."

"I think this video has just established how your mom is against everything you," Taehyung grinned.

Jungkook nodded. "I loved you, eomma, but I guess you don't return the affection. Maybe I am adopted after all."

"Oh, don't say that!" his mom scolded. "I love you more than you'll know, and I'm very proud of what you have accomplished."

"Can you adopt me?" Taehyung asked.

Mrs. Jeon smiled. "I don't think your mom would like that very much. She called me last night asking if you were coming home anytime soon. It's not good to worry a mother."

"I know, I know. I'm going this weekend," he promised.

"Well, that was fun," Jungkook said, starting his outro. He quickly wrapped up the video and told his parents thank you for letting him shoot a video with them.

"I really thought (Y/N) was going to be involved," his dad said.

"She's picking up your anniversary gift," Jungkook told him. "She should be getting back soon, so you'll be able to see her."

"You shouldn't let her do all the work," Mr. Jeon instructed. "You're the man."

"She's okay with it," Jungkook reassured. "I wouldn't let her do anything she's not okay with."

Because I only want you safe and happy, (Y/N).


im losing ideas for this :((

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