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"@kookiebymycookie asks: 'What was the scariest moment in high school?'" you read and turned to your husband who was sitting next to you.

Jungkook thought for a moment. "Senior year I was hanging out with a couple of friends and one of them had a seizure," he recalled. "There weren't any parents or teachers around and we had no clue what to do. We didn't even know he was an epileptic."

You nodded and scrolled through your Twitter. Your subscribers had been asking for you to do a Q&A with your husband and you were doing exactly that. When you told them to send in their questions, you asked for serious and funny questions. You wanted it to be fun but also to open up yourselves and let your viewers know more about you.

"And you?" Jungkook asked, spinning in his chair.

"Um, when I met you," you giggled. You remembered looking up, smearing away your tears and brushing back your hair to reveal a guy that looked like he belonged in either some model magazine or on a football team. You couldn't decide. "You were really scary."

"I then I told you I cried there," Jungkook chuckled.

You nodded before going to the next question. "@emilyhatesrice asks: 'What flavor of ice cream describes (Y/N)?'"

"Oh, strawberry," Jungkook said right off the bat. "Or like, birthday cake. Do they make that?"

You grinned. "How so?"

"You're really sweet, duh," Jungkook said matter of factly.

"@ihighkeyhatemyself asks me what is was like when I moved to your school," you said setting your phone down for you knew that this would be a long speech.

"Story time!" Jungkook giggled as he put his chin in his hands and looked at you with expectant eyes.

You smiled. "I'll just start from the beginning.

"It was the middle of July when my dad came home and told us the news," you started. "He had gotten a better job where Jungkook lived. He had been debating if he wanted to move or not for a month without Mom or I knowing. He decided to move, though, because it was a better job and had more opportunity. At first, I was excited, but then I realized on the last day of freshman year earlier that year was the last time that I was going to spend time with my friends like that. I hated it and I started thinking that I had to start over and redo everything I had already built up. It was scary, but I had to for my parents. So I packed up all my belongings and we headed miles and miles away from the place I had grown up in.

"The actual process of moving was fine. There wasn't a big hassle with things and we moved in quite smoothly. We spent the first few weeks of September just getting familiar with the area and seeing what the new, busy place was all about. We had a month to move and we didn't even bother sending me to my school for a month for sophomore year.

"I didn't start school until October after their fall break. I stalled and stalled the day I had to go back but my parents decided that the first day of the second quarter would be a good time to start. I hadn't even shadowed or anything. I was just enrolled and got shoved through those doors.

"My past school had less than 300 students. Maybe less than 250. His school had over a thousand. My class at my old school had ten students in it. My homeroom class at his school had thirty. Their campus was huge compared to my last school's. I was terrified. I remember stepping in and just staring at the commons because it was so spacious compared to my last one. My lockers were placed with the guy sophomores' since I had come late, so whenever I went to get my books, I had to wade through sweaty jocks to get to there.

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