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a continuation of 21

happy late valentine's day, cherubs <33

! some cursing !


 After you confronted Jungkook about his recent behavior, he started acting a lot more like himself. However, he was still standoffish, and you could tell there was just something bothering him that he couldn't shake. You didn't want to pry, though, because you were scared you'd end up like last time and be subject to his wrath. You were sure this storm would pass soon.

One day, you decided to make some brownies. You put some of the middle pieces on a plate before scurrying off upstairs, a quick bounce in your step. You came to a door that was shut and you pressed your ear against it to hear soft music. He's not recording. You cleared your throat before knocking and you entered when you heard your husband coo.

"Hey," he yawned, clicking away at things on his computer.

You giggled a hey back before setting the plate of brownies in his lap. You stood to the side, awaiting his reaction.

"What's this for?" he asked, his voice tired. "It's not my birthday."

"It doesn't have to be your birthday to receive something special," you answered. "I just wanted to make some brownies. You've been working really hard recently."

He sighed before placing the plate on top of his desk and inviting you to sit on his lap. You accepted the unspoken invite and urged him to try one of the chocolate brownies. "If they're bad, don't tell me so I don't feel bad."

"I'm sure they're great." With that, he picked one up and nibbled on it as he looked at things on his computer screen. You saw him delete spam emails, but he was going through them too quickly for you to snoop and figure out what they were for. He then switched tabs and you were met with a half-edited video of yours. He then shoved the rest of the chocolate brownie into his mouth before humming. "Ith good."

You grinned before standing. "Well, there's more downstairs if you eat all those." You walked over to the door, but you stopped before you left. "Hey, honey?"

He looked up at you, half into another brownie. "Hm?"

"If there's anything bothering you, you know you can tell me, right?" you asked.

Jungkook nodded. "Of course, (Y/N/N)."

You gave him a look of concern. "You promise?"

"Pinky," Jungkook replied, wriggling his pinky fingers innocently before he grabbed another brownie.

You sighed as you closed the door, and that was the end of you trying to pry any further. Maybe you were just paranoid and were thinking of every bad scenario that could be going on when it was probably something small that shouldn't even be bothered with. But you couldn't help but continue to meditate on it, making the situation seem worse than it really was. But you knew he was acting weird and it wasn't just you thinking too much. You knew something was just wasn't... right. And little by little, that began to show.

Something you loved about your and Jungkook's relationship was the honesty you two had. You told each other everything, and your viewers had picked up on the fact that you two often used each other's phones without the worry of something incriminating being hidden within the apps. But you just couldn't help but notice how your husband began to hide things from you.

"Hey, I'll be right back," Jungkook quickly said one day, hurriedly throwing on a jacket as he zipped past you as you sat in the living room.

"Where are you going?" you asked, peering over the couch at him. You watched him grab his keys before opening the door to the garage.

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