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"Holy moly, me oh my. You're the apple of my eye," your husband quietly sang as you went through all your makeup pallets and whatnot. "Why is everything so dirty?" He marveled at the different colors that were displayed in front of him.

"I clean all my brushes, don't worry," you told him. "And that's just excess from the eye shadows."

"If I get a pimple I'm hitting you," Jungkook hissed.

"Oh, please don't," you whined. "I have sensitive skin."

He chuckled. "You know I wouldn't do such a thing." He stood up from his chair went to fix your lighting and camera.

"What do I have in here?" you asked rhetorically, as your hand dove into a drawer. You fished around a little, until something poked your hand. You squealed and drew back your hand before peering in and noticing a pair of scissors.

"Stop hurting yourself," Jungkook murmured, glancing up at you. "Is it bleeding?"

"No, doesn't look like it," you responded. You then grabbed whatever else you needed and placed them on the table. "I think we're ready."

"Where's that new eye shadow thingy?" you husband asked teasingly. He took a quick look in the mirror and fixed his hair.

You smiled and whipped it out from a bag in the floor. "Viola! New and just for you."

He groaned before plopping down in his seat. You followed his actions and sat in yours, before starting up the camera and doing your intro rather quickly. "And finally, you guys are getting your wish," you grinned as the male next to you was observing the different tubes of lip gloss placed in front of him. "My husband will be doing his makeup."

Jungkook looked at you, eyes wide. "I thought you were doing it for me?"

You shook your head. "Quick change of plans!"

"I think I might hit you," he remarked. "How am I supposed to do this by myself?"

"You'll be watching one of my tutorials, don't worry," you soothed. "You'll do fine, I'm sure."

You quickly went over what everything was and left your husband to try his hand at the art of make up.

Paying close attention, he watched the video you had done a few weeks ago. He remembered you doing it, for he was sick that week. He remembered you telling him that your routine was very similar to James Charles's. He tsked. "Hey, sisters," he mocked, clapping his hands dramatically as he recalled the famous guru's intro. 

"Alright so where's this moisturizer?" He looked around the table and found what he was looking for. He popped it open and rubbed the substance into his skin. Once he was done, he sighed. "I feel... very wet."

You were actually still in the room trying to sort through some things and your viewers would later hear a "that's not my fault" in the background. He would just ignore you and continue on with the video.

"Now onto foundation." He went searching again and came up with a small cylinder. "(Y/N/N) said she tried to get something to match my skin tone but it's hard to match this caramel macchiato skin." He chuckled, doing a small hair flip. He squirted some onto his hands and began to rub it into his skin.

"What are you doing?!" you shrieked, watching your lover go completely against what you were instructing in the video. "Use the beauty blender."

"Hands are more conventional," he snipped, continuing to rub it in. "You're not supposed to help me anyways."

"Alright but don't complain to me when you end up looking like a hot mess," you said as you rolled your eyes.

"I already am," Jungkook announced pridefully. "Minus the mess part."

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