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Requested by StrawberrysAndFelix. Ahhh this isn't you user anymore i don't guess and i searched high and low for you but i can't find you and i'm sorry i can't tag your actual user now :(( i hope you find it somehow tho! It was going to be longer but i left it for like a month and then i forgot where it was going so i just kinda ended it because i had already reached my word goal but i hope it still satisfies you! if it doesn't i'm sorry :((

i'm just really upset i can't find you grrr


One of your fears after having kids was that you and your husband would have to stop uploading to YouTube. You had stressed yourself by looking at online school just in case while you were pregnant, but seeing how diligent your husband was with his work, you had faith that you wouldn't have to resort to giving up your current job. After your kids were born, you both took some time off to nurture them while they were still newborns, but after a month, Jungkook went back to work, uploading just a couple videos a week compared to the almost daily videos he used to do. Not only were you glad to see that neither one of you would have to give up your amazing jobs, but that you (and especially your busy husband) could take care of your two kids like you wanted to without cutting corners. And as they got older, it was easier to balance the two. So, you continued to vlog while he continued to game.

Your children became a favorite when it came to your videos. Both Jungkook's and yours viewers loved it when your children were on the screen, whether they were supposed to be or running in asking to be played with when you were talking to the camera. But family vlogs were the main thing that your viewers craved. Seeing A-yeong and Haneul with both of their loving parents was something that made everyone's hearts ache. After you and your husband caught onto this, when you'd four go out as a family to the park or to eat, you'd make sure to film some part of it to satisfy your viewers' cravings.

This week's video would consist of the twin's birthday week. They were turning four, so you and Jungkook were taking them to eat and the movies and anywhere else that they liked. Your video's main focus would be on the twin's trip to the aquarium and it opened up with a short intro talking about what the video was going to feature and how you wouldn't be able to eat cake for the next month. And the next thing your viewers would see would be A-yeong peering into the camera lens with Jungkook telling her to give back the camera in the background.

"I look pretty," A-yeong murmured, giggling. She then turned around the camera to Jungkook. "This is my daddy."

Jungkook waved, looking to please his daughter, but then told her to give him the camera back. A-yeong began to walk off, the camera being aimed at her feet. She pressed a button, making the camera zoom in on her newly painted toenails. "Can I go record mommy and Haneul?"

"We can," Jungkook insisted. "You might break the camera, so let me hold it, okay?"

A-yeong giggled before she ran off, the camera still on her feet as she ran to her shared room where you were getting her brother ready. Jungkook followed as a leisurely pace, praying that she wouldn't trip on anything. Soon, though, your daughter ran up to you, shoving the camera in your face. "Mommy, say hi to the people!"

You grinned as you brushed Haneul's soft hair as you sat with him in your lap on his bed. "Hello," you mused, looking at the lens but not stopping the task you were occupied with.

"Mommy, can I video everything today?" she asked, climbing onto the bed beside you. Haneul made a move to grab the camera to join his twin's fun, but she moved to prevent him from doing so. He pouted and went to whine about it to you, but he decided not to.

YouTube {Jeon Jungkook}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt