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It all happened so fast. The bright flash of green telling you to go had lit up, dull in the vivid sunlight of the afternoon. You hesitated to proceed, as you were fumbling with the radio. A car honked behind you, so you quickly put your foot on the gas, sending your car to roll out slowly. Before you could gain any more speed, everything flashed quickly before your eyes. The shattering glass was visible as the screech of tires and groaning of metal filled the air. Your car jerked sideways; your knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel tightly. Your breaths were labored as you watched the car that had just slammed into you speed off, not even stopping to see how damaged their car was. You blinked, seeing people get out of their cars behind you in the rearview and approach your car to see if you were okay. Your whole body was shaking but the only thing you were worried about was the two toddlers peacefully napping in the backseat. Tears stung your eyes before your thoughts were interrupted by a middle-aged man tapping your window and asking if you were okay.


No charges were pressed, no injuries were counted, but your car was in the shop for the time being. You had called Jungkook to pick you and the twins up, who woke up later only because they had to use the potty. The cops had asked if you were on your phone, but they quickly realized that you couldn't have been since it was in A-yeong's lap in the backseat. It was obvious that you weren't in the wrong, yet you couldn't help but blame yourself for endangering your kids.

When Jungkook had picked you up, you were visibly trembling. Your hands were shaking as you tried to undo the twins from their car seats, so your husband took over. When you were on the way home, you were constantly fidgeting. The twins were awake for half the ride, acting as if nothing had happened. Jungkook couldn't tell if that eased your anxiety or made it worse.

"Eomma, are you okay?" A-yeong asked, wondering why you were being so quiet.

"I-I-I'm fine, baby," you answered, your voice shaky. "Are you?"

"Yes," she answered.

You gulped, feeling some reassurance. "Han? Are... are you okay?"

"No, I gots to pee," he replied.

Jungkook eyed his son in the rearview mirror. "That's it, though, right? You're not hurt, are you?"

"No," Hanuel stated.

Jungkook looked over at you as he drove and watched as you picked at the skin on your fingers. You had told the police that you weren't hurt anywhere – no bruises or scratches were found. It was amazing, honestly, considering all the glass that had shattered around you. But your husband knew you were scared out of your wits. It was written all over you.

When you got home, Jungkook told you to go change into some more comfortable clothes while he took care of the twins. You had done as told, but when Jungkook came into the bedroom about fifteen minutes later, you were underneath a heap of blankets, sobbing. He sighed, shutting the door behind him, before crawling into bed beside you. "Honey, it's okay."

You hiccupped, replaying the crash in your mind over and over again. "No, it's not."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around you, both hands finding yours to hold. "Yes, it is. No one was hurt, (Y/N). You're fine, the twins are fine, and as far as we know, those idiots that ran their red light are fine." You heard him murmur a curse or two under his breath when he mentioned the latter. "You and the twins are okay, though, and that's all that matters."

You both laid still for a second, your quiet cries the only sound in the room. You shifted, Jungkook letting go of your hands so you could roll over in his embrace. He watched you wipe at your tear-stained cheeks that were flushed red. "Did the twins say anything about it?"

"No," your husband answered you. "A just asked why you were acting sad, but that was it." Jungkook's fingers combed through your hair soothingly. "They're fine, honey. And so are you. Don't freak out over this. It's not worth it."

"But they could've gotten hurt, Jungkook, and I couldn't have lived with that," you countered.

"But they're not hurt, (Y/N), so there's no reason to wear the world on your shoulders," he said softly. "I know that overthinking things and making mountains out of molehills is in your anatomy, but honey, everything is okay. Don't tear yourself up over something that isn't your fault. You were in the right the whole time, (Y/N); they weren't. Don't blame yourself that isn't even remotely your fault."

"I should've been looking," you murmured, rethinking the whole event. If only you had looked left just one more time, you might have been able to prevent the accident. Your eyes began to water once more as you continued to scream at yourself internally.

Jungkook raised you up, his hands gripping your shoulders gently. You looked at him, your lip quivering, only to have him start shaking you. "Give me back my happy wife who doesn't give two shits about anything!"

Despite being upset, your lips formed a small smile at your husband's humor. "But I give two shits about everything."

"Well, then don't," Jungkook said, shrugging as his hands left your shoulders and found your hands like before. His thumbs rubbed soothing circles on the backs of your hands as he held them. "Honey, everything is going to be okay. Don't let this ruin your Tuesday. There are so many other things about today that are exceptionally good that just cancel out that car accident."

"Like what?" you asked, almost as if you were challenging him.

Jungkook bit his lip, thinking for a moment. "To start from the beginning, the twins slept in their rooms all night. We both woke up together, healthy and happy. The twins woke up healthy and happy. We had a great breakfast prepared by the most beautiful woman in the whole world. The twins didn't fuss when you got them ready. My filming today went smoothly, as opposed to every other day this last week. As far as I know, the twins had fun at the park and didn't cause you a lot of trouble. They didn't push each other off the slide, like last time. And, honey, there's a whole bunch of other stuff that happened that just puts that accident to shame."

You nodded, leaning forward to hug your husband, who enveloped you in his warm embrace that you constantly craved. Before you could say anything else, you heard the door open and you knew it was none other than your kids.

"Hey," Jungkook stated, using his "strict-father" tone. "I thought I told you two you could either watch Ponyo or take a nap."

"But I've seen Ponyo a hundred times," A-yeong groaned.

You heard fast footsteps before you felt the bed's covers slide to the side. You turned your head to see Haneul making his way onto the bed, his bottom lip sliding in between his teeth out of thought. He slowly but surely got up onto the bed and he scooted over to his parents. "Is eomma okay?" he asked cutely.

"Appa said yes," A-yeong stated, also climbing onto the bed. "Eomma is always okay."

"Not in the shower," Haneul murmured, grinning a bit.

You blushed, thinking back to just yesterday when you slipped in the shower. No one had been there, but your husband and the twins were in the bedroom watching a movie when they heard the thud and then a high-pitched groan of frustration and pain. "Han, did you have to bring that up?"

"He did," Jungkook chuckled, causing his son to giggle. Your husband leaned forward and planted a small kiss on your cheek. "See?" he whispered. "They're okay."

And I'll make sure you are, too, (Y/N).


I'm sorry if this ever gets cringy :(( I feel like I go over the top lovey-dovey sometimes :/

I can't help it, I love kookie :'((

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