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In Yoongi's last vlog, he had "accidently" outed how sexually active you and your husband were. He told you that it had just slipped, but the way he played it out seemed like he planned to expose you two sometime.

The whole gang was hanging out at a local coffee shop that would later be used for one of Yoongi's weekly vlogs. The four of you were just chit-chatting about Taehyung's current living situation.

"Apparently there's some sort of plumbing issue," Taehyung said as he swirled his straw around in his coffee. "I don't know, though. All I know is that they're basically ripping my house apart."

"Do you need somewhere to stay?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung shrugged. "Maybe. Most likely."

Yoongi propped his feet up on a chair that belonged to the table next to the one you guys were sitting at. "Well, if you stay at their house," he smirked, gesturing to you and your lover, "don't stay in the bedroom that's in the same hall as their room."

Taehyung glanced at you two before asking why. "I've stayed in there before. It's not that bad."

"I didn't think anything about it at first," Yoongi chuckled, "since I was over when it was their anniversary, but it seems like every time I'm over, they're hitting it off."

You blushed and Jungkook just hung his head as his skin was growing a deep shade of red. Taehyung tried to do his best to save you two, though. "Well, it was your fault for staying during their anniversary. You know that's a sacred time."

Yoongi just rolled his eyes. "Not when they have a guest, though."

Taehyung scoffed. "What else are they supposed to do on that night? Play patty-cake? Or Monopoly? Yoongi, you need to learn that people need privacy."

And ever since that video was posted, the number of "are you pregnant" questions seemed to increase. More people were sending in fanart of you two with children (and not mention, there was some erotic ones that you scrolled past rather quickly). More and more videos came out trying to spot a baby bump on you or they were playing "spot the love bite on Jungkook." It was kind of funny to see all your fans freak out, but at the same time, you and Jungkook didn't really like all of that. Now, you had Yoongi to thank for driving all your fans insane and making them start rumors.

Some of your fans were asking you the same question you were asking yourself. Do you want to have kids? Are you just thinking about it, or do you think you're ready? Your other half was also asking himself these questions once he saw the popular question popping up during his livestreams.

"Do you even want a baby?" Jungkook asked you as you both lied in bed.

You nodded. "But not right now. If I have a kid, you're going to have to quit YouTube, right?"

Your husband shrugged. "Not necessarily. We'll just have to see how it plays out." He rolled over and ran a hand through your hair. "And even if it came to that, I would immediately because I'm not letting that stupid website get in the way of our love ever again."

You tried to hide your smile, since his statement made your heart skip a few beats. "You really enjoy it, though, so I don't want to limit your time. You've worked really hard to get your following."

"If they truly like me, then they would understand why I would need to quit," he murmured.

You sighed, a little frustrated. Jungkook sensed your irritation and kissed your forehead. "Don't worry about it right now. You've got time. We're both still rather young."

"I think a good time would be when I'm 26 or 27," you muttered and Jungkook nodded.

"You never know, (Y/N)," he said. "We'll just wait until we feel ready, okay?"

A few minutes of silence passed before you looked up at your husband. "What do you want it to be? The baby, I mean."

Jungkook chuckled. "I don't care as long they're healthy and happy. But a little girl would be cute."

"You don't want a boy?" you asked, a little surprised.

Jungkook grinned. "If they're a girl, then they're going to be a little you with cute pigtails and chubby cheeks."

"What would you name them?" you continued, starting to imagine a life where you had a little baby girl with the love of your life.

"That's hard to say," Jungkook replied. "Names take a lot of thinking. But I really like names that have to do with flowers or nature."

"You're so cute," you cooed, pinching your husband's cheek.

He playfully pushed you away before tickling you lightly. "You're cuter." He leaned down and gave you a kiss on your forehead before planting one on your lips. "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you, too, Jungkook," you said.

Whenever you're ready is when I'll be ready.


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