you know what they say

Start from the beginning

"How old is he?" You asked as Kio layed down next to you on the bed.

"Maybe 16-17...thousand years old" he laughed. "He's quite young compared to almost everyone here. We're all in the hundred thousand years, as for my dad it's millions...maybe billions but I'm not really sure...ageing is like a human concept." He sighed as he made himself comfortable on the bed, closing his eyes a little. "Let's cuddle to sleep" he lazily said before gently pulling you closer.

You felt yourself doze off quickly...maybe too quickly but the only thing that seemed to fall asleep was your body. You opened your eyes again before noticing a figure run out of the room. You got up and ran after it but was stopped by what seemed to be a chain. You looked back and you still saw your body right next to Kio's. You wondered if it was some sort of lucid dreaming before you saw a little lit white orb that seemed to get brighter the closer it came. You wanted to touch it but as you reached out to it you saw it move hysterically before charging directly into your heart. You only felt a slight pang of pain in the beginning but the longer it stayed inside the more gigglish, innocent and happy you felt. You began seeing white butterflies and doves accompanied by sounds of the ocean. You felt happy. You saw a butterfly directly above you but as you went to reach for it, the chain held you down. Sadly everything became dark. You felt as if you were soaking wet, as if you were in the deep part of the ocean with only your head floating above dark blue water. Suddenly the water became harder to tread in, harder to float and you felt as though the chains continued to pull you down. You don't know why you couldn't scream or feel how scared you were on the inside. The chain finally pulled you down, forcing you to inhale litres upon litres of this thick black liquid, and just as you were about to inhale for the last time, you felt as though someone pulled you up. You opened your eyes only to find yourself back in your room with a concerned Kio and Anthony directly above you.

"Well..." You breathed heavily, wanting to get all the oxygen you missed out on back. "This is a nice view" you winked before falling back down. Both the boys sighed before also collapsing next to you.

"You almost died yet you still have the energy to hoe?" Anthony joked. Kio stayed stayed silent before jumping up hysterically.

"WAIT! let me see. So you just woke up from a weird nightmare, correct?"

"Yes..?" You answered feeling a little motion sickness.

"Did you see any sort of black liquid...maybe you even drowned?" Kio looked at you with hope in his eyes. You assumed he knew whatever the fuck you just went through meant and why...but you didn't only see the black liquid.

"There was light too..."

"WAIT! light?!" Anthony interrupted before looking at Kio.

"Yeah, what do those two things mean?"

"Wow, I can't believe I'm even sitting next to you right now" Anthony laughed. "this is so cool yet scary at the same time, I could die right now, we all could die right now" he slapped your shoulder a little before laughing to himself. What the fuck is wrong with them?

", I think you might've gotten your old body back, the one you had before you turned human. It means that the blood running within your blood is no longer human."

"Does this mean I get those powers everyone is bugging me about?"

"It might even mean you get your memories back." Anthony stayed before looking at Kio who just seemed worried.

He took him to the side and they began whispering to one another. You concentrated on their mouths and before you knew it you heard them loud and clear. You didn't want them to know you're listening in case they're hiding something. "She can't remember." Kio's voice was full of guilt. But why?

"Why not? The two of you loved each other so much back then?"

"It was that same love that made her want to live as a human. If she remembers...I might lose her again."

"You won't. Even when she turned into a 'human' you sired her to you. Your powers work on her when she's human. Plus she doesn't seem that elite right now, if it bothers you that much then just give her a potion to take that memory out completely." Anthony looked back at you but you just played dead. You heard him laugh but it was almost as if he was trying to hide it.

"The more memories I take out of me...the more she falls in love with you. I know you loved her-" a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. You almost punched your bed out of frustration but you needed to pretend like you knew nothing.

Based on the information you just gathered, Kio did something that made you want to live a human life and Anthony loved you? Did you love him back? Is this why you remember having a crush on Anthony growing up? Were any of those memories even real?. You looked up to see who just walked in and it was a whole bunch of people. Guys you slept with as a 'human' specifically. They followed an obviously annoyed Kio and lined up in order. I'll let you guess what order...

"Well fuck" you sighed, looking away.

"Already did" Mattia winked. Fuck, not him, why him?

please me; kiocyr, vhacker,Where stories live. Discover now