"We have a situation." She said.

I glanced at Ryan before nodding at her. After the sickness, the fences bending, what could have possibly gone wrong now?


"I came to see Karen, and I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them."

I cringed at the sight of the burnt bodies. It wasn't even the sight of them that made me nauseous as much as the fact that this was going to be a new problem.

"Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire," Tyreese glanced at Karen's body, "They killed them and set them on fire!"

His yelling was giving me a headache. He was upset and emotionally unstable. Which is why when Tyreese suddenly turned to Rick, we all tensed.

He had a stern look on his face. "You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me . You understand? You bring 'em to me!"

Daryl stepped forward putting a hand on his shoulder. Tyreese shook it off and looked at Rick with a firm frown on his face.

"I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous-" Rick was cut off by Tyreese.

"Karen didn't deserve this. David didn't deserve this. Nobody does."

I shared a concerned look with Carol. He wasn't calming down and Tyrese was a big dude. With his strength, he could put up an unnecessary fight.

Daryl stepped closer to him and put his hand on his shoulder. His attempt at comforting him was futile and dangerous. Tyreese slammed him against the wall and I immediately went to lung at him.

Daryl put up his hand to stop us from intervening. I wanted to push him off regardless, but Rick held my elbow to stop me from going forward.

"We're on the same side, man." said Daryl.

I took a deep breath and stepped back so Rick would let go of me. He did and I paced behind him. I didn't like this mess.

Rick glanced at me before speaking to Tyreese. "Hey, look, I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down."

He gently patted his shoulder, knowing what was coming next. Tyreese pushed him back telling him to back off.

Rick sighed. "She wouldn't want you being like this."

That comment earned Rick a punch to the face. As soon as it happened, I was on Tyreese. But like I said before, he was a big dude who was stronger than me. He blocked my punch and threw me aside like I weighed nothing.

Sloppy. Cleo would be disappointed. She's always saying how I need to think before attacking. Otherwise I'll end up on the ground. Hate to say that she was right.

As soon as Tyreese pushed me, Daryl was on him. He held him from the back and prevented his hands from hitting anything else. I got up dusting off my pants when something that I didn't expect happened.

Rick punched Tyreese knocking him down to the ground. His leg made contact with Tyreese's stomach before getting on top of him. Daryl stepped closer to me, his eyes checking if I was okay.

I ignored the pit in my stomach and turned to Rick. "Rick, that's enough."

Daryl grabbed him from behind as Rick started yelling for him to let him go. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him like that, and not in a good way.

He was out of control.

He pushed off Daryl and went towards Tyreese. I blocked his path and he stopped in his tracks. I shook my head indicating to him that it was over.

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