Chapter 30: Second Guesses

Start from the beginning

"Yes ma'am," I replied with a nod and a smile. She returned the expression and went on to assign the next maid to her station.

Once she was done assigning us, we were dismissed. Because there wasn't much for most of us to do for another hour or so, Gina suggested that those who aren't busy get as much rest as possible for now. Apparently, we're going to need our energy to be able to balance our patience and swiftness with these guests. And I knew she was not joking with that statement.

I was walking alone, heading back to the Servant's Quarters to take a nap to rebuild any energy lost from the morning. I looked up from the ground of the walk way and caught the younger prince sitting in the courtyard alone, his arms crossed as he sent me a disapproving glare. I wish I had kept my head down when he motioned for me to sit beside him. Begrudgingly, I made my way over to him.

"Good afternoon, sir," I greeted him. Although it did irritate me to call someone so close in age 'sir', I knew it annoyed him even more. His glare deepening at the word was a prime indication of that.

"Folashadé, do you consider yourself a good person," he started after staring at me for some time. His features softened as he sat up straighter.

"For the most part, I do," I lied. Not in this moment, no. Good people do not romantically interject themselves in an engaged person's life.

"If you do, then why are you doing what you're planning to do tonight," he questioned, diverting his piercing gaze back to me. He looked upset again.

I couldn't immediately answer him because I didn't even know the answer to that question. Recalling how upset he made me yesterday, I really didn't have the energy to even have this conversation right now. "Your Highness, I have to return to the Servant's Quarters," I replied, looking around the perimeter and avoiding his eyes.

"Do not go to his room tonight. The risk that you are taking won't only affect you and him but others as well," he pressed and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees and again, his gaze never wavering from my direction. "My brother will play you like monopoly. He'll sleep with you, lead you to believe that he wants to be with you, and do you dirty in the end if you were to ever get caught."

"This isn't going to be an ongoing thing," I defended quickly. This was just for tonight.

"So you do know what I'm talking about," he smiled wryly.

Oh God.

"I don't want you to think I'm attacking you but I do want you to consider the consequences if things go wrong. Let's say you fall for him or want another night with him? He's an engaged man now. Whoring around won't come as easily as it used to for him."

"Were you not the one who told me that I make him happy? That you haven't seen him this happy in a while," I flipped the script. He did indeed tell me that Vincent felt happier in my presence. What changed now?

"I did and I won't deny that. But you two are taking it too far. Sex? Sex that you could get literally anywhere," he replied, not wavered by a single word that left my mouth. "He's having jungle fever, Folashadé."

"So... you want me to just call it off at the last minute," I inquired, pretending that I didn't hear him say such an insulting and disrespectful phrase. Jungle fever. I'm not a fucking animal.

"Whatever you think is morally sound," he stood up and yawned. "I think I'm going to take a nap," he quipped, his demeanor changed an entire 180 from how he was just seconds before. "I expect to see you tonight. Have a good evening," he bid his farewell and stalked toward the inner castle apartments.

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