s e v e n t e e n

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Let me enjoy, selfishly.

"You must really love this place huh?" Mina sighed, leaning back on the bench. She drew her eyes towards Chaeyoung, who was staring at the garden with this distant expression present in her eyes. Mina thought she was so lost in her thoughts to respond but the younger girl proved her wrong.

Chaeyoung hummed, she blinked slowly, "The flowers are always calming." Her rasp and low voice echoed slightly against the breeze and Mina smiled faintly at the sound of her voice. Chaeyoung always possessed such a soothing voice; it was nice to listen to. "Gives me peace." She added.

"Do you like flowers?" Mina asked, standing up from the bench and crouching in front of the garden. She ran her hand through the array of the floral floor, the feeling of the soft petals brushing against her skin sent warmth through her body. It was comforting.

Chaeyoung nodded, she took in a deep breath, her hands laying lazily on the arm supports of her wheel chair, "I do. Flowers are always so, beautiful. They make me feel warm and even through harsh weathers they somehow bloom." Chaeyoung coughed, "Somehow I wished I could be the same."

Mina turned to the younger girl, "But you are."

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow, chuckling at the quick response, "Really now?"

"You give life to those who need it. You bring joy to people who watch you, letting them admire the way you flutter in the wind. You give people the will to breathe, their supply of oxygen. My supply of oxygen." Mina looked away, her stomach did that ache again. Her heart feeling a little weak every time these talks had been brought up.

Chaeyoung smiled, weakly, "Poetic." She let out a shallow sigh, "Thank you."

Mina giggled and stood up. She turned to the younger girl, a faint smile on her face, and bent down, planting a light kiss against Chaeyoung's forehead. "No, thank you for everything." She muttered.

Chaeyoung stared at her. Even if her skin was pale and almost snow white, she hoped that Mina would see the light tint of red dusting her cheeks considering the heat running up to it was quite evident to herself. Chaeyoung let her fingers touch her forehead, caressing the area Mina has kissed. She giggled, "Your soulmate wouldn't be too happy if they saw that." She teased.

Mina's eyes widened slightly and it's almost as if reality had struck her again. She played it off with a chuckle, "They-" She started but briefly stopped.

They don't matter.

"They can wait." Is all she responded with, unable to match the playful tone swimming in Chaeyoung's.

The younger girl must've noticed the switch of atmosphere considering she grabbed Mina's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Why don't we go back? I heard Sana was bringing some food."

Mina shook her head slightly, as if to shake those pesky thoughts away. She knew it was temporary considering those worries and concerns would come rushing back. Mina, however, figure it was best to worry about the present. To be in the moment, with Chaeyoung by her side.

She'll worry about the future later, even if it hurts.


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