24| History Repeats Itself

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Hey guys!!

Thank you so much for the reads, votes and the comments. it made my day.

I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long....so i made this chapter a big one!! In fact i guess this is the biggest i've ever written!!

your welcome ;) *Sadie style....anyone watches awkward here??

i'm dedicating this chapter to one of my very good friends because she encourages me with her comments on every chapter and i love her for that!!!

i hope you like this chapter.



                                                        Chapter 24

                                                History Repeats Itself     

                         My head was aching like hell. I could feel that the environment around me was very cold I liked it. I was blessing the person who caused all this. But why was my head aching so badly?

                        I tried to recall the last thing I remembered and I froze as it all came back to me. I was kidnapped last night. Oh my god! My palms became sweaty all of a sudden and my mind was working at an alarmingly fast rate, I could feel the adrenaline in my blood. I got up in half a second and took a deep breath before screaming as loud as possible. My scream was the usual high pitch one which was more than useful at such a situation isn’t it? Someone or the other was bound to hear it. Right?

But someone, all of a sudden, clamped their hand over my mouth

“Shut up!” I heard someone say…I bit the hand which was stopping me from shouting as hard as I could and I yelled again


“SHUT UP MAY! OR I’LL KILL YOU FOR REAL” the guy yelled…I panicked. This can’t be true! I can’t die at sixteen! I had so many dreams yet to come true! So many ambitions! I can’t die so young! I didn’t even get to say goodbye to my parents! My brother! My friends! My…wait a second…he called me may…which can mean only one thing…NISHIT!

I opened my eyes and saw Nish who was looking highly amused. By this point I was terribly confused. If I was kidnapped what was Nish doing here? Oh my god!

“You came here to save me?” I asked with a wide smile

“From your headache? Then yes” he said handing me a painkiller and a glass of water. But I pushed them away…I was going to get killed here! Headache was the least of my problems right now!

“Then what about the kidnappers?”

“What kidnappers?”

“The people you’re rescuing me from”

“Sorry to burst your bubble may but I’m not here to rescue you”

“OH MY GOD YOU’RE MY KIDNAPPER?” I said my eyes going wide

“May…take a deep breath” he said trying to calm me down

“I can’t believe it! A few years away and you become a kidnapper! I expected better from you Nish!”

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