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Hey guys...i just wanted to let you know that theres a sequel to this story...heres the first look of the sequel, hope you guys like it!!


“Will you please try to stop testing my patience!”


“You just what Myra?” he questioned. i closed my eyes, mustered all my courage and decided to speak with all the strength i had left in me

“I’m your girlfriend! I deserve to know” i said as sternly as possible

“You could go die for all I care”

“Nish…you don’t mean this. You love me right?” I asked clinging on the the little ray of hope I had still left in my heart

“Well I never said that!” he replied with a sarcastic chuckle breaking my heart into a thousand pieces, I ran away from him. I couldn’t take it anymore. This was it, our break up. It was all my mistake. I shouldn’t have attached myself so much. I shouldn’t have fallen in love with him. Atleast it wouldn’t hurt this much…I heard his faint yell from behind me, but by then, it was too late, i was gone too far for him to ever be able to catch me again.

His Second chance, was his last chance. 

He Finally Came Back, And That's When It All StartedWhere stories live. Discover now