13| Cascades

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Hola darlings!!!

i'm so sorry i couldnt post for over two weeks so this chapter is long-ish to make it up to you okay?

Thank you soo much for rewarding me with soo many reads!!! you guys have really made my day!! a big THANK YOU  for that!!

So thats it...





                                                                     Chapter 13



                                               I looked at the buildings and trees pass by us not really paying attention. Music was blaring in my ears from my I-pod, my mind not registering that either. I was trying to be happy, excited even, but it was all in vain. Memories of my past, everything, from when we were kids till yesterday replayed in my mind- from the time we were playing together in the mud till the time I hurt him. Today, I was feeling extremely low, I felt like I was alone in the world, that nobody cared for me, I kept reminding to myself about my parents, my friends, my brother and other people who loved me but it didn’t help .I had done the safest thing but my heart ached to do what I had forbidden myself to do- running into his arms and apologizing, begging him to take me back. But I couldn’t do that. Never.

                                         None of this affected Kim though. Apparently this was the first time she was participating in the cascades so she was friggin’ excited. She looked like a kid locked inside Disneyland. I tried my best to involve in her excitement and be anything apart from pathetic, but I failed.

                                         The bus took a sharp turn to the left and Kim almost fell from her seat. I held her arm and steadied her and she smiled softly as a thank you her cheeks pink from embarrassment, I nodded and went back to staring outside the window. It was a four hour ride to the Holy Cross High School where the cascades were to be held this year and we still had two and a half hours till we reached.

                                         Everybody were playing games and singing out loud in the bus, even the teachers looked very relaxed, some of them even joined the games. I was bored to the highest point though. Usually I would be playing too but today I just wasn’t in the mood today. I encouraged Kim to participate in the games but she said that she rather not so I stopped bugging her and closed my eyes listening intently to Nothing Left to Lose by The Pretty Reckless. The tune seemed to calm me down and I was grateful.

He Finally Came Back, And That's When It All StartedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu