Chapter 164

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Arriving in the new village, An Sun and Bai Han passed down the dark streets quietly.

"Do you think Rin could be here?" Bai Han suddenly asked.

An Sun sighed. "I don't know, but we have no choice but to keep trying."

Bai Han silently nodded his head. He could only hope nothing bad happened to her. If something did...

With this in mind, the fists by his side clenched.

At that moment, the two suddenly heeded a voice nearby muttering loudly to himself. Looking ahead, An Sun could perceive a disheveled man staggering in their direction.

It was clear he was drunk.

An Sun's brows drew together, and he chose to ignore the drunkard. However, the moment An Sun passed him, his shoulder suddenly collided with the drunks.

"Hey! Bastard, watch where you're walking!" The drunk man suddenly turned and shouted.

The edge of An Sun's twitched. It was clear from his lack of balance that he bumped into him!

When the drunk man turned around, he hadn't expected to face a pair of dark, chilling gray eyes. Not just that, but the young man was larger and taller than him!

"What did you say?" There wasn't any trace of emotion in An Sun's magnetic voice, but it still sent chills down the drunk man's spine.

He gulped. However, unwilling to show his panic, he clicked his tongue.

"Whatever..." He muttered. "Second time tonight I have to run into some weird bastard..."

Despite hearing the drunk man's words, An Sun let it be. He was in no mood to fight a drunk man. Despite him being an ass.

By this time, he did not staying in the village. He could only hope Rin was not staying here.


"We'll be taking two rooms for the night."

The inn worker stared at the old man with blinking eyes. Her gaze shifts to the young man beside him. His gray eyes emitted a heavy pressure. She swallowed.

Although their clothing looked plain, one could not help but tremble upon seeing their chilly, stern faces and intimidating auras.

These men were beyond your normal commoners, the female inn worker thought upon seeing the two men.

"Y-Yes." She managed to stutter.

After having paid, the two men accepted their keys and without another word, went upstairs to their rooms. In awe, the female worker stared in their direction, unaware of the two other figures standing in front of the counter to check-in.

It wasn't until she heard a soft cough that she was pulled from her shock.

"I-I'm so sorry, how may I—" She raised her head and before she could even finish speaking, she choked on her words.

A pair of bright eyes stared back her, a slight tilt in their head. The young man possessed a delicate appearance, short hair covering his forehead, just sweeping across his eyebrows due to its length. He was casually dressed in clothing that looked both comfortable and common.

However, this hardly drew attention away from his emerald eyes that were as mesmerizing as a flowing, crystal river.

Meanwhile, feeling the inn worker's intense stare, Rin simply smiled before clearing her throat.

"We'd like a room please."

"Eh?" The inn worker blinked her eyes rapidly.

Having realized she was caught boldly staring, a furious blush bloomed on her cheeks. When she noticed the boy standing beside the youth staring at her with narrowed eyes, she looked away in shame.

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