Character Q&A - Answered

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As promised, here are the first set of answers to the Q&A! The rest will be answered on Friday.



To Paramyis: I know it's a spoiler alert but is there a love interaction between Rin and General An? *Hopeless romantic here Thanks for all the updates, stay healthy and more power! Aja on making this book more awesome!

Paramyis: First off, thank you so much for your concern and support you truly are an amazing person! And yes, there will be love interactions between Rin and An Sun! And even a little steamy action here and there (・ωー)~☆


To author: I read the comic that the webnovel was based off from, and forgive me if I'm being ignorant, but will the novel end in a different way from the comic?

Paramyis: No worries at all! From the beginning, I planned on using only minor parts from the manga since it seemed to tie well with my original storyline. In the end, not a lot liked that so I've decided to shift it back to my original storyline! The manga previously stopped updating so the ending is unclear, however, I have my own ending for the novel.


To Author: What inspired you to start writing? Is it something you always wanted? In the early days did you write any weird and slightly embarrassing shorts while you were practicing that you would be happy to share? P.s is RIN based off anyone you know, or just completely fictional? She's such an amazing, multi-leveled character.

Paramyis: Rin is mainly based on the manga's main character Li Chang Ge and my own perception of how I wanted a female lead to behave. I've always loved writing. I've started writing ever since I was little (of course none of them were good) and through the years I wrote many stories online that are all unshared. I reread some of them recently...they're so embarrassing! :;(∩'﹏'∩);:

But because you're all so precious to me, I shall share to you a part I somewhat like from the first story I ever posted online. Be's bad. Also, the female main character's name was also Rin.

It was called "Ghost Chains". It was about a slave girl with unusual hair color (red), abnormal strength and wanted to be free. She was eventually freed by a King from another empire who helped her. The storyline wasn't bad, but the writing was horrible.

["Over there I see her!" She heard a guard shout.

With her back facing an empty alley, she failed to miss a shadow move behind her gripping her arms and pulling her back. Startled, Rin's instincts immediately thought to fight back, but for some reason, it seemed like the persons hold drained all her abnormal strength out of her.

What even was this? Why did she feel so weak?

The person's hands wrapped around her tightly one gripped her waist from behind, the other holding her drape covered mouth shut. Feeling helpless and unable to see her attacker, Rin struggled.

"Shh, don't struggle, just stay still a little longer." His voice whispered from behind her.

Having said that, a group of guards passed near them. Unfortunately, one guard stopped in his tracks and peeked into the dark damp alley.

With his sword in hand, he walked slowly towards them.

Rin's body tensed her breathing stopped hoping to erase all traces of their being a living being there. The man behind Rin moved his body closer to the wall bringing her with him.

After a couple of seconds, a holler was said towards the guard mentioning them already checking that area. With his figure retreating, Rin had breathed a sigh of relief before she used her legs to kick the man behind her.

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