Chapter 64: Conflicts

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''What is it, E?''

''Before I continue with the story, are Jay and Carlos there? Put on loud speaker. I don't think my sentences will be the same to be repeated twice.'' Evie suggested and Mal walked her way to the boys' bunk bed and her hands shook the boys' figures, making Jay and Carlos waking up with force with lazy eyes. 

''W-what?'' Carlos groaned and his head fell back on the bed.

Jay sat on the edge of the bed and tried to gather his sanity together so he won't be blurred if Mal says anything. ''What's up with you?''

''Wake up! Evie have something to tell.'' Mal took a spot beside Jay while Carlos's chin rested on his arms and looked down at them.

''Yo, Evie.''Jay spoke.

''Okay, okay. Lend me your ear for a while. So, last night, me, Fairy Godmother, Belle, Beast, Audrey, Chad and a group of students' representative sat together on one table for an important and urgent meeting. It's about how most of students disagree to the decision that Chad and Audrey is going to be the next queen and king of Auradon. They directly did a petition to change the decision, gathering supports from others. To sum it all, THEY WANT YOU TO BE THE QUEEN OF AURADON BACK, MAL!'' Evie exclaimed in excitement, screaming through the phone, making the VK's to had their mouth widely opened and couldn't believe what they heard.


''Holy cow!''

''By the angel!''

''Yes, Mal! They think you deserves to be the queen of Auradon, with or without king. And Belle refused, saying that you need to marry someone royal by blood but they denied, telling Belle that you can just pick a king to rule by your side! We had lots of arguments and opinions. The students' representative hated the fact that most royals have the negatives personalities and behaviors for example, Ben! They prefer us, The VK's, as the qualified ones.''

''Wait. This is a lot to process.'' Mal panted for breath, digesting the news that she just received. She was sweating. ''T-then, how? What now? What do I do?'' Mal panicked as Carlos tried to calm her down by fanning her with his hands.

''Okay, okay. Settle down. In the mean time, I think you need to return back to Auradon and solve everything here. We can slow talk and think on what to do. We'll discuss with Fairy Godmother. She IS the caunselor.''

''No, I mean, about the crown. Do I take it or I reject it?'' 

''I don't know. I can't say anything to affect you. It's literally up to you. Think thoroughly. If you think it's a great opportunity, from my perspective, accept it. The throne.''

''B-but, I can't leave the isle abandoned again. And w-w-what about Harry?! We are getting good now, we solved the conflict between us already. What do I say to him?'' Mal rubbed both of her temples.

''Mal, easy! Take Harry as your king. The King of Auradon. Can't you imagine him and you ruling Auradon together?'' 

''I don't think so, Evie. Two children's villains? As the king and queen of Auradon? What will others think? That we take advantage on it? They might take it back. And Harry will soon be the king of the isle. It's an inheritance from his father. He needs to continue the legacy. He already pushed away the engagement between him and Ruby, from the Frollo family. He will refuse.'' Mal walked to the window, viewing the Auradon. 

''Oh, hmm..'' Evie thought for a while before proceeding. ''Okay. Never mind. Just please, we need you to be here to figure everything out. We'll come out with a brilliant decision. I promise.'' Evie convinced and Mal mused properly then answered. 

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