Chapter 63: Fine Night

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''Why is Fairy Godmother calling Evie in the middle of the night?''

''No idea.''The boys shrugged and took a sip of their drink. Mal looked back at Evie who was on the phone outside the shoppe. Thinking what were they conversing.

''Hey.''She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and snapped out, meeting eyes with Harry. ''Don't worry too much, okay? It's probably something about Students Body President's things to handle.'' He shot a worried look and Mal nodded, obeying and turned at the table back.

''Or, she's getting scold because we're not at the party.'' Jay suggested.

''Possible.'' Carlos agreed.

''Uma, I think you should call off Gil from his duty. He's probably dying back there.'' Harry joked, chuckling.

''Ugh, right. I'll go get him.'' Uma got up and walked in through a door to the back of the shoppe.

Harry smiled satisfyingly, how he absolutely loves to see his pirate crews and the VK's are good and nice with each other now. It warmed his heart. He sipped at his drinks once again then Mal leaned her head on his shoulder, rubbing her eyes sleepily. 

''Looks like someone's sleepy.'' Carlos smirked.

''Looks like Harry's shoulder is useful some times.'' Jay joined Carlos, giggling evilly at Mal.

''Shut up!'' Harry and Mal said in unison. The two naughty boys were shushed but Carlos took advantage of the moment.

''Sounds like someone's devoted to each other.'' 

The bell on the shoppe's door rang harshly and they saw Evie bolted inside, forming fast steps towards them and Mal lifted her head from Harry's shoulder. 

Evie's hands slightly keeping her stuffs and took her bag while explaining. ''Sorry to spoil this beautiful night but I have to go back to Auradon. There's an emergency about the kingdom and Fairy Godmother informed that the Students Body President is necessarily needed. I think they're conducting a meeting with the Belle and The Beast. Trust me, as soon as I heard their names, I know I need to go. So, I guess, I'll see you guys tomorrow.''

''Wait. Wait. Wait. Do we need to come with you?'' Carlos alarmed.

''No. I didn't remember Fairy Godmother saying Jay and Carlos. You guys stay here with Mal. I'll call you guys tomorrow and tell everything. Bye!'' Evie rushed to hug Mal and in a flash, she disappeared.

Mal didn't manage to say a word or two to Evie. She sat back on her seat and continued to finish her fish and chip.

''She's... fast and...hectic.'' Uma approached the table with Gil, looking tired. They took a seat and rested among them.

''Dude, my fans, you seem tired. How many dishes you washed?'' Harry uttered.

''Let's bet. 200?'' Carlos started.

''No, 100?'' Jay denied.

''I'll say 50?'' Harry involved himself in the 'annoying late dinner' group consists of 3 members including him.

''The isle people doesn't even reached the count of 100. Ugh, never mind, who cares? What matter is my beauty sleep. I need to go home. I hope tomorrow's a better day, without you guys disturbing me and make jokes out of me.'' Gil rolled his eyes in annoyance and yawned, ambling his way to the entrance.

''Go get enough sleep, jock. You have another 50 dishes to clean tomorrow!''

''Or probably more. With us here!''

Harry just laughed, watching the two boys making fun of his dopey mate. It makes him feel better.

''You guys need to stop or I won't have someone doing the dishes for me tomorrow.'' Uma warned, delightful, can't help but laughed a bit. 

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