Chapter 57: Evil but Good

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I have a huge news to tell you guys. Meet me at the white gazebo by the edge.


Mal embraced a relaxed, inviting and calm atmosphere that was kept in place at the gazebo. Her eyes weren't removed from the waves that were crawling gently to the shore and sea softly doused the beach. Mal blinked but just once or twice in a state of time, not wanting to miss any beautiful view of the splashing water. Her head was in a piece of mind at that time and it was all because of the sea therapy. She never thought something deep and terrifying and the one that separates the isle and her was actually very soothing a nice. She was so busy being a queen and trying to be perfect until she never realized that the sea was waiting for her arrival. She was so distracted by the waves when her friends approached her, tiptoeing their way and claimed a spot for them around her. Not long after that, she noticed her Vk's friends were there and hesitated to look away from the sea.

''Hey, M. You alright?'' Evie greeted after the three of them were showing signs and miming 'what's wrong with Mal?' and 'I don't know. I'm not Mal'.

''Yeah, you've been staring at the sea for like god-knows-how-many minutes until we arrived.'' Carlos said frankly.

''Did anything happened?'' Jay nudged Carlos's waist with his elbow.

''Oh, and we heard your name was called for the announcement. Is there something wrong?'' Evie wrapped an arm around Mal's shoulder, trying to ask the girl who is like a sister to her.

They were all waiting for her response for about a minute. Then, Mal sighed quietly and her gaze fell on her shoes. ''I'm not gonna be queen of Auradon anymore. I dethroned.''

''What?'' Evie replied in disbelief.

''No way!'' Jay gasped.

''Chicken Wings!'' Carlos exclaimed.

''That's the reason why I was called to the Fairy Godmother's office. Belle and the Beast were there with her. They said they need someone royal by blood to be the king and of course someone I don't want to be with. I have no choice and it was no time for me to think. This is the best choice.'' Mal explained and she crossed her arms, laying back at the seat.

''Does that mean we have to leave Auradon?''

''What? No, Carlos. We're not leaving Auradon. Me being the queen wasn't the reason why we're here. We were given a chance to have a better future.'' Mal objected.

''Thank god. I don't want to leave Jane. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet.'' Carlos told nervously.

''Of course, after 6 months and you never told her you love her. What a great pal I have.'' Jay rolled his eyes and sarcastically teased Carlos.

''I'm not ready. I'm scared if I mess up. And yes, I am a great pal, you know that.'' Carlos defended and Evie shushed them.

''Guys, stop! This is not the right time to quarrel. We have a situation here.'' Evie used her eyes to signal them at Mal. ''Think on the bright side. You no longer have to join meetings and visit this area and that area, fit into thousands of dresses, drink a cup of tea with pinky finger pointing out. This is a good chance for you to spend your time more with us. You always wanted this, right? So, what's the problem?''

''It's just that I feel like I have let you guys down. I always wanted the best for us.''

''Mal, whatever it is, whoever you are, you're still a queen for us. The villain kids. The Isle people. You're a fantastic human ever born. And we love you. You never ever let us down but instead we're so proud of you. I believe that. Truly. Who wants to wear a piece of heavy rock on their head? None of us wanted to see you suffer. Don't worry too much, okay? It's not good for your health.''

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