Chapter 41: Whatever It Takes

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Third Person POV

After the Vk's left the palace, they went out and gathered at a white gazebo near the edge of the land. Mal stopped as soon they reached the gazebo and Evie, Carlos, Jay and Doug took a seat uneasily. Jay roamed his eyes everywhere at the wide blue sea, Carlos was looking at Mal, Evie's eyes were gazing down at her boots and Doug intertwined his and Evie's fingers. Their thoughts were messed up.

''Okay..okay.Calm down, guys.So we have a huge plan to make and thing to do.'' Mal sighed in between sentence. ''We'll start with umm..with..'' She paused, thinking what to do next. 

''With?'' Carlos who were looking at Mal the whole time asked.


'' Be honest, Mal. Do you know what you, we, are going to do? I mean, this is a mission impossible.We literally have no idea.'' Evie spoke frankly.

''I do, Evie. Of course, I know what to do and we're gonna make it work. We are going to drive us to the isle back and meet my mother and then-'' Mal continued walking side to side and paused when Carlos asked again.


''Then.. w-we'll ask her to do something like telling us where Harry could be a-and she can use her spell and probably turn back the clock and hocus pocus Harry here, or I don't know. Whatever we could make the impossible possible.'' Mal wandered around the gazebo.

''That sounds better.'' Jay hesitated.

''Me too, I guess.'' Carlos agreed.

''50-50 chance. It could work.'' Doug nodded.

''Okay,okay. So, I've been thinking about what Ben said that maybe we should consider. No offence but about what we should do if your mom wants something in return.'' Evie thought.

''About that, I think I can negotiate with her . That's what villain do.I mean, I'm her daughter. What other worse things she would do? I'll..persuade her?'' Mal shrugged.

''Transform into dragon and ruin coronation day." Evie reminded.

'' I won't let her. It have to be different this time.'' Mal said.

''If that's so, we should be going now. We never know what happens when the sun rises.'' Jay got up from the spot and crossed his arms.

''We should.'' Mal exhaled heavily as the others stood up, ready for a new battle.

Engines of their motorbikes were heated strongly and the sticks that held their motorcycles to the ground were brought up. Helmets were put on their heads. Mal was on hers, Carlos and Jay on theirs while Evie and Doug shared a bike. At one moment, the magical bridge appeared out of the blue and they twisted the handle of the bike and set off. 

''Whatever it takes.''


While the VK's join on the journey to the Isle Of The Lost, Ben and Jane were at Ben's office. Ben lazily on his stackable moving chair, playing with his pen and Jane was waiting impatiently for the Vk's.

Ben's eyes were looking at Jane who were wandering around the spacious room, biting her nails. Ben groaned in annoyance. ''Sweetheart Jane, would you mind take a moment to sit down and relax. It's not like they're gonna die or whatever.'' Ben dropped the pen and rested his head against the head of the chair. 

''Ben, I can't. I can't relax. This is a big issue and I think that we need to inform someone. A-an adult.''Jane stuttered, feeling anxious.

Ben walked to Jane, he held both of the shorter girl's shoulders in front of him and seated her on the couch. ''Jane, there's no need for that. I am in-charge now. I'll think of it. And you wouldn't want to trouble my parents OR even your own mother. They'd been through a lot.''

''That's why. They have experience and maybe they can solve this. Or we could ask for their opinion on what to do. Let's just let the VK's do their work but at the same time, Auradon can do something too. Two heads are better than one.'' Jane explained, looking Ben in the eyes with full concern.

Ben sighed lightly and knelt in front of Jane, replying the looks into her eyes. Ben always have the soft expression on him a king never had. His flawless smooth skin always a nice view to girls in Auradon. His dark brown eyes covered with his long eyeslashes always look flirty and sweet along with his delicate peachy lips. ''I know your love to Carlos beyond your believe to me. I know he is always your first love and a person you love the most. But it's his choice to leave and fight for his friend. But in this case. you should trust me, okay?'' Ben caressed her cheeks and spoke softly within every word. He got up and headed back to his table and sat on it.

''Okay. But still you should do some thing Ben. In case, they don't make it. And I'm terribly worry for Harry. Will they found Harry?'' 

''No they won't. Using their way. It's not how we do in Auradon.'' Ben mumbled, gazing at Jane.


Sorry for the short chapter, I'm still working on the storyline and for what's gonna happen in the next chapter. I'm trying to do an interesting plot to it. So, I hope you guys can be patient just a bit. And I wanna say, stay safe and take care of yourself during this hard time of ours. Wash hands, use hand sanitizer and keep physical distancing. If anyone of you are bored, just slide into my Dms and we can chat. But sorry if I'm late on replying. hehe. Hearts to everyone. xoxo

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