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A certain skeleton sat at a bar stool, ordering a glass of vodka. The bartender gave him, the drink he wanted and downed it on one gulp.

"Babe!" someone yelled, going near the skeleton.

"Hey love, what are you doing here?" the skeleton asked, snaking a hand on the girl's waist, gripping it softly.

"Just wanted to see my boyfriend, of course." the girl replied, wrapping her arm around the skeleton's neck.

"Why? Did ya miss me?" the skeleton asked, the girl giggled.

"Who wouldn't miss you? I bet your friends back at your old school missed you too." the girl replied, smirking slightly.

"Of course they will." the skeleton replied, he leaned in kissing the girl. The girl also kissed back, and pulled away.

Someone came rushing to them, panting like a dog. They look like they've ran a marathon.

"Young master Ink! Your mother is looking for you!" the guy blurted out, Ink looked at him confused.

"I thought I told my mom, I'll be here," he mumbled, "Alright, I gotta go babe. Make sure to not get many hook ups."

"Wow, coming from you?! Please, we both know you have many hook ups." The girl giggled, Ink laughed.

"I know love, I just don't want you catching up to my level." Ink replied, and walked away.

"Butler Jason, what does mother need me for?" Ink asked, straightening his clothes.

"I don't know, sir. She just told me to call you." the Butler replied.

They reached the limousine and the Butler opened the door for Ink. Ink went in and sat, the butler closed the door and went to the driver's seat and started the engine. They drove home, while listening to a music.

They pulled up, to a mansion. Ink quickly got off and went inside. He was greeted by maids and his mother lounging on the couch.

"Hey mom, what do you need me for?" Ink asked, sitting next to his mother.

"I want you to go back to New York, to study for college." His mother replied, a big smile splitting her face.

"Sure." Ink replied and stood up. "When?"

"Tomorrow, so start packing up." His mother replied and walked off.

Ink sighed, he don't wanna leave but he have to. He never disobeyed his mother, ever since he came to Canada. He went to his room, and pulled out a luggage. He placed some of his clothes neatly in it and zipped it close. He changed his clothes and climbed at the bed, turning the lamp off, he then slept.



Sequel is out.
Prologue is done, so uh.
Did y'all like it? Or Nah?
Cause I could always change it.

If some of you haven't read the Book 1, I suggest y'all to read it. Cause this one won't make any sense, if you haven't read it.

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