Chapter 6

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"Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb"
~Y/n's POV~
"Auuuuughhhh!" I yelled as I punched the sandbag multiple times. I worked out outside near the pool to relieve some of my stress. Just who was that weirdo Daisuke?? I punched the bag 3 more times before sitting down and taking a drink.

"Ah y/n there you are!" One of the knock off Mina's came to me. Shit. I can't remember her name. I know she's the youngest. Is it Miga??

"What's up?" I asked and she shrugged before sitting beside me.

"Nothing much. Mila is doing homework and Mira went out today. I'm bored so I decided to go find you." She smiled and I gave a half smile back. Ah so she's miga.

"Well do you wanna join me?" I asked and pointed to my boxing gloves.

"Wah really? This looks fun!" She gave a smile and I put back on the gloves. I showed her how to punch the bag and after a couple of failed attempts by her we rested.

"Your so cool! Are you a boxer?"

"Well I used to box in Middle and high school but I stopped. I know other martial arts too." I told Miga and she seemed very impressed.

"Can you teach me?"

"Sure why not."

"Your so cool I wish I had an older sister like you!" Miga said and I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well Mira is always out or doing science-y stuff with dad and Mila is always doing homework or boring stuff like reading. No one ever spends time with me." She looked a bit sad and I ruffled her hair.

"Don't worry I'll be an older sister to you." I gave Miga a hug and then threw her into the pool.

"Yaaaaah! Tanaka y/n!" She yelled as she spit the water out her mouth. I laughed before jumping in the pool with her. We splashed the water at each other until Mina interrupted us.

"Ah hey princess Mina." Miga said and Mina walked over to us. Why doesn't miga just address Mina causally? Aren't they cousins?

"There's no time to play Tanaka y/n! I wanna go to the store." Mina said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Right now? Why didn't we go earlier?" I asked and I seen Mina's face turn a bit red.

"W-well it doesn't matter let's go now!" She said hurriedly and I got out the pool with Miga. Mina and I waved Miga goodbye and she waved with a slight blush on her face. Lord don't tell me she might have a crush Mina???? Eww isn't that incest???

I changed into dry clothes and took Mina to the store. Mina wore a black mask and a baseball cap while I wore the same.

"So why did you decide to go now?" I asked her again. It's strange we could've went earlier when I wasn't doing anything.

"I seen you and Miga playing outside..." she stopped and I looked at her to continue.

"Ugh it doesn't matter! Stop asking." She had redness to her face. Aaaaaah so that's what is is.

"You were jealous weren't you!" I teased her and she puffed up her cheeks.

"No I wasn't!" She turned her head and I laughed at her antics. Mina is very easy to read little does she know. Mina turned and went down the aisle to get chips. I stood by the basket and played on my phone. I then heard a familiar voice and looked up to see who it was. I seen that Daisuke dude and another boy standing with him. They both stood beside her and were getting closer to her.

"Ew it's you again." I said to him as I rammed the basket in between him and Mina. I looked at him like he was scum and he did the same.

"Just who are you?" He asked and tried to move the basket.

"Im asking the same thing. Leave Mina alone!" I swatted his hand away and his friend then frowned at me.

"How dare you address our princess so causally?" His friend growled and swung his arm at me. I grabbed his arm and twisted it backwards then kicked him in the shin. He fell down in pain and people started to gather around. Fuck. Why did I bring attention to us.

"You bastard!" Daisuke yelled and pushed me. Did this man not learn is lesson. I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder. Mina gasped and grabbed onto my arm.

"I'll protect you princess!" Daisuke's friend got back up and tried to hit me again but I punched him in the face. Everyone around as gasped as he laid on the floor unresponsive.

"Wait isn't that princess Mina?"
"What is she doing at the store?"
"Wooow she's so pretty!"
"Is that her bodyguard?"
"Both of them can choke me and I'll say thank you."
"Her bodyguard is kinda hot."
"It's the goddess of beauty!"

I heard the people around us start to corner us and ignore the idiots on the ground. Shit!

"Yah Mina lets go!" I said and grabbed her hand. We dashed out the store while people were crowding us. I even pushed someone out the way with my shoulder because they got too close. I shoved Mina into the car and drove quickly back home.

"Way to blow our cover y/n!" Mina groaned as she wiped her face.

"You shouldn't be talking to him in the first place!" I told her and she looked at me annoyed.

"It's not like you're my girlfriend don't tell me what to do!" She yelled and then blushed afterwards. What the hell?

"That has nothing- ugh anyways I'm your bodyguard I'm supposed to protect you!" I yelled back and sighed before going inside the castle. Mina followed after me and remained silent.

"Y/n! Y/n! You're on the news!" Miga came running into the kitchen where I was.

"W-what?" I stuttered and she pulled me into the main room. I looked at the tv and lo and behold. There was me pulling Mina out of the store. Luckily my face was covered. My phone started to buzz and it was the group chat with my friends. My phone than started to ring and it was my mom calling.

Well shit.

~3rd POV~
"Ugh how could you get beaten up again?" Tamiko asked as she cleaned Daisuke's wound. Tamiko came just in time to retrieve Daisuke and Natsuo.

"It's because of that stupid bitch that's been with Mina! What if they're dating?" Daisuke slammed his fist and then whined in pain. Tamiko rolled her eyes before wrapping a bandage around his fist.

"How did you know Mina was at the store?" Tamiko asked and Daisuke shrugged.

"I don't know some person under the name of MasterWatcher texted me that Mina's location." Daisuke said and showed Tamiko the message. Daisuke's phone started to ring and it was the person.


"Daisuke its me. I have a surprise for you. Meet me at the park at 11pm."

~heeeeeeeeeeeh back with another chapter! Hope you enjoy the chapter!

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