Chapter 34

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"You cover up the truth"

~3rd POV~

Mina followed Mila as they left the room. After walking for a bit, Mina realized that they were in fact not going to her uncle's room.

"Mila? Where are you taking me?" Mina asked her cousin.

"Shh. Don't say anything yet." Mila still kept her expression as she led Mina to the garden.

The garden on the eastern wing was more like a confusing labyrinth. The Duke's wife had the garden be built out of spite for her husband. Of course, since she's dead it hasn't been taken care of in years.

Mila led Mina far into the maze before stopping.

"You need to get out of here now!" Mila demanded to her cousin.

"Yeah I know! I'm trying." Mina frowned

"No! You don't understand- you need to leave expeditiously." Mila said in an urgent tone.

"Elaborate please!"

Mila looked around before talking, "Mira is up to something with the PMPFC and I don't know what they're going to do to you or when! You need to leave before we find out."

"The PMPFC? Why would she work with them?" Mina felt herself starting to panic.

"She's just as deranged as them that's why! And uncle is going insane! Everyone's gone and Miga-,"

"MIGA? What happened to her?" Mina's voice became urgent

"I- I don't know, but that's not the focus. Gather as much as you can and LEAVE. Leave before anyone notices." Mila held onto Mina

"What about your dad? He'll notice! He's watching me like a hawk!"

"Don't worry I'll cover you." Mila put on a determined face.

"Ok...," Mina nodded trying to absorb everything, "is uncle also in about the PMPFC?"

"Not that I'm aware of. He's just crazy."

"Ahhh." Mina sighed. Great two targets on her back.

"Now take this," Mila handed Mina a rolled up paper, "this is the correct path out of the garden."

"Thank you so much." Mina placed the paper in her dress pocket.

"No problem. Now leave! Don't make it look suspicious at all." Mila pointed towards the exit and Mina nodded.

"Ok thank you again." Mina went towards the exit and began to notice the sun setting. She took a look at the sky and turned back to Mila.

"Wait...before I go can you tell me if I can contact Charles. I'd like to keep in touch with him." Mina asked trying to get a slither of hope.



"I'm just playing games! I know that's plastic LOOOVE." Y/n and Anna sung out to the songs while Mr. Yamaguchi drove.

"We only have 40 more minutes."

"Great! I wish you guys could meet Mina." Y/n slightly frowned.

"Maybe after all of this is over, we can meet her." Anna added.

"We can park here." Y/n said once they were about 30 minutes in walking distance from the house.

"Are you sure you can be alone?" Anna asked concerned.

"Yup I'm fine!" Y/n smiled and thanked the couple

"We'll be waiting here ok? Just come back with Mina." Mr Yamaguchi assured to y/n.

"Aye aye captain." Y/n saluted and headed on to the house.

As y/n left, the couple voiced their concerns in the car until a van sped by.

"Who was that?" Anna asked shocked

"Whoever it was they're in a rush. People are crazy." Yamaguchi sighed

~Mina's POV~
I grabbed the smallest bag possible and began stuffing it. It was midnight by now so majority were asleep. Even if y/n isn't here yet, I need to leave for the sake of my sanity.

"Mina... open up so you can take a bath." She heard one of the new maids knock

"No thanks I'm going to bed." I frowned and went back to stuffing my bag.

"Mina please let me in, I-I'm begging you." Her voice seemed alot shakier this time.

"Fine, but it'll be quick." I went up to open the door. I could see the maid standing nervously but when the door opened wider, she could see a PMPFC member standing behind her with a knife to her head.

I screamed and fell to the ground. The PMPFC member threw the maid to the ground and Mira, Toshiro, Chaeyoung, and Minami appeared at the door.


"W-what is going on?" I tried the best to not sound nervous. I was obviously outnumbered and there wasn't much for me to do.

"Do what you want with her i don't care." Mira said with a cold face and grabbed Chaeyoung's arm.

"Wait! Mira! Please we are family! And Chaeyoung, how?" I was too shocked to truly comprehend what was going on.

Chaeyoung and Mira left the room leaving me with Minami and Toshiro.

I stared as Toshiro dropped a duffel bag before closer to me. He stared into my eyes before blushing.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Minami said in an irritated voice and peered at the blushing boy.

"I-I never been so close to her!" He covered his face and had an idiotic smile.

I watched before slowly getting up, hoping to find some sort of weapon in my room. I patted my hand around the floor and found a pair of nail clippers.

"HEY!" Minami stopped berating the boy and went to grab my arm. I yanked my arm towards me and she pulled it towards her. We went back and forth before I winced out in pain.

"STOP HURTING HER!" Toshiro yelled out. Minami and I turned to see him running towards us with a hammer in his hand. I watched in shock as he whacked her in the head, leading her to fall over.

She twitched before reaching out to Toshiro. He hit her again and continued until her body remained lifeless. I covered my eyes and screamed until he finally stopped.

"Thank god. She bad mouthed you so much anyways." Toshiro sighed and wiped her face.

Why am I stuck in a room with an unstable murderer????? Was that hammer meant for me? What else is in the bag? No telling what his next move is.

Obsession (Mina x fem reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang