Chapter 29

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~Mina's POV~
"Oh man! Our pay raise is about to be insane!" One of the police officers said as we drove back home. I sat in the back of the car with a soured expression.

Y/n.... Why are you doing this?? Where are you going to go?

"Minari! Trust me ok? You need to go with the police!" Y/n said to me while grabbing a backpack with her.

"Eh? What do you mean?" I grabbed onto her hand and stared into her eyes.

"I'll find a way to get back to you! I can't go back now!"

"Don't worry! I-I can explain it to them!" I tightened my grip on her hands and my eyes started to water.

"As if they'll believe you!"

"They will! I'm the princess! They have to believe me!"

Minari... it won't work like that for me." Y/n gave a slight smile and distressed eyes.

"Don't worry I'll be back." Y/n smiled at me and gave a kiss on my cheek before running through the backyard and into the distance.

I couldn't see her anymore...

I sat with Baba and Jiji until the police arrived. I changed out of the "commoner" pajamas and into one of the clothes I picked. Of course when the police and others arrived, there were a ton of cameras but luckily they only focused on me and not Baba and Jiji. I couldn't dare to let them know that they're related to y/n.

~end of flashback~

"Oh boy you won't believe how relieved everyone will be to see you." The other officer turned to face me with a stupid goofy grin on his face. I wanted to punch him in the face.

After driving the way back home, I arrived at a government building. In front I could see thousands of people standing outside the gates with tons of signs.


"She has finally made her return everyone! Our dear Princess is safe!" One of the politicians announced as I got out the car. Everyone erupted into cheers making me feel sick to my stomach. I saw dozens of news cameras, patiently waiting for me to speak. I really hate this...

I walked up to a podium and tapped the mic before speaking.

"Ah! Everyone... I'm sorry for making you worry!" I bowed 90° before leaning back up and fixing my hair. "I am safe now and that is all that matters. Once again sorry for everything and I will make sure to make citizens happy!"

The crowd erupted into cheers. I really don't understand this...

"AISHITERU MINA!" I heard a group keep chanting. I looked to the side to see a group of people with signs and pom poms. Dear god...

"Can we go please?" I quietly asked I tugged on the sleeve of one of my bodyguards.

As we tried to leave, a limo pulled up and my uncle jumped out.


I groaned to myself as my uncle came running towards me with tears in his eyes. He engulfed me in a hug as the crowd starting clapping.

"I'm so excited to have our dear Princess back!" My uncle shouted as he wiped "tears" from his eyes.

I looked at his rugged appearance. He had gained unbelievably dark circles and his face was pale. I bet he looks like this for sympathy points. It was obviously working as the crowd started to clap for him.

After pleasing the crowd some more, he wrapped his arm around me and we walked to his limo. As we got in, his smile quickly turned into a frown and he looked at me with narrowed eyebrows.

"You little sneak..." he said in a low voice eyeing me up and down. I gripped onto my seatbelt as I suddenly got chills down my back.

"Jeez I just got back and this is how you greet me?" I folded my arms and looked at him in his eyes.

I knew I was sounding a little bratty, but I have to be like this or else I will be ignored.

"Oh so you come back with an attitude! I knew that y/n bitch was up to no good." He took one of the drinks that were sitting in a cooler and drunk from it.

"Don't call her that!" I unfolded my arms and turned to face him. My lips were pressed together to ease my nerves.

"You rather defend a lowlife gold digger than your own family." He spouted at me.

????? What is he even doing? He's pulling these baseless statements from his ass. It must be the alcohol.

I sighed for a few minutes while rubbing my forehead as he was now on his third glass.

"Please don't make such a big deal... all that matters is that I'm back." I bravely said but I was feeling like any sudden movement from him would make me piss my pants.

"DONT MAKE A BIG DEAL?" He yelled at me and threw one of the empty glasses. The driver stopped the car and the glass nearly missed me and hit the window.

I screamed out of surprised and one of the shards cut my palm.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I felt tears running down my eyes as I clenched my palm.

My uncle stared at me and it was like a switch went off. He started to panic and grabbed onto me.

"No no no! I'm so sorry!" He frantically wiped the blood off of my hand.

"OW! Get off!" I snatched my hand from him and started to press down on the cut with the end of my skirt to stop the bleeding.

We sat in silence until we arrived at the house. I was let in first while uncle and security followed behind me.

Something is off... why is it so quiet in here?

"I'm going to take a nap in my room first. Then we'll talk." I forced a smile while taking my shoes off and was about to leave when my uncle grabbed my shoulder.

"Do you think you can come back into my house like nothing ever happened?" He bent down and whispered menacingly into my ear.

"Wha?" I pressed my lips together in annoyance.

"Come on madam." One of the guards grabbed my arms and started to drag me.

"UNCLE! UNCLE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled at him while he kept a solemn face.

"It's hurts me more to do this to you. You'll come out in 15 days." He said in a gave voice while wiping away "tears."

I stared at him with amazement as I got dragged by a guard. Is this reality?

"Where are you taking me?" I calmly asked one of the guards as we started to walk down a dim stairwell. The sleek marble stairs were extremely cold against my bare feet.

"You'll figure out soon." He replied with an empty tone.

We reached the end of stairs which featured a wooden door. It looked old and creaky with 3 chains on the outside. There was a small doggy door at the bottom.The guard in front of my opened the chains and opened the room.

"In you go my dear Princess." The guard holding my arms through me in which caused my to land on my knees.

"What the hell?" I quickly got up and the door was slammed shut.

They can't do this! I'm in throne to become the queen! This... This is blasphemy! Y/n wouldn't do me like this! Nor would her family!

No family would do this! It's all a dream! I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be back to normal right! Y/n will be right there and I'll be happy! Right?

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