Chapter 3

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"We're so weird, I just love you so much."

~unknown POV~
I stared as the angel herself walked in front of me. Her elegant features and fragile body amazed me. I shouted and shouted her name and she glanced at me before giving a slight smile.

I can't believe it. She actually smiled at me. She smiled at me.

"Wow I can't believe you got Mina to glance at you!" My friend said to me. I couldn't believe it!

"I know right there must be something special about me." I smiled. I took a picture of her and posted it to my blog and she smiled at me.

3 months passed and Mina arrived back here. I was really desperate to see her. I got a stolen a Pom Pom from my younger sister and shook it as hard as I could when Mina stepped out of the car.

"AISHITERU MINAAAAAA!!" I yelled out. I hope she could hear me through the large crowd. I seen her turn to me and we made eye contact. She gave a shy smile and waved before heading on.

She loves me. She really does. Why else would she pick me out of hundreds of people. I must have her to myself. I went home and followed all of her social media's. I even found out she had a secret Instagram and where she would be heading to next. I consistently posted on my blogs and gained a decent following.

I have dedicated a room for Mina. It's for when we finally get together. I have her pictures printed outs and plastered on the walls. I spent countless nights on my computer liking and commenting on every post she has. She's going to Hawaii for a vacation. She posted it on her private Instagram so it's a secret. I need to go there too.

I only have a couple thousand dollars. It won't matter because I'll be meeting my future wife. I ended up spending $2,000 for the trip leaving me with less than $4000 in my bank account. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that I get to see her.

I followed her to the beach where I took some photos. I guess I could post them on my blog but I don't want everyone to see. I guess I could make a small group to exclusively share the photos. I even got some photos of her in the hotel room. I love her and she loves me.

"How did you get these photos?" Mika asked me as she marveled at the photos of Mina.

"Don't worry all that matters is that everyone gets a copy." I proudly said and everyone clapped for me. I gathered a group of 23 people to join the fanclub for Mina.

"Woooow daisuke you're so cool!" Natsuo praises me and licked one of the photos he had.

"What should we call ourselves? We need a special name... we're not just any fanclub." Toshiro said a lot and we all though to ourselves.

"What about PMPFC? Princess Mina Protection Fanclub!" I suddenly thought of and people praised me for it.

"Yess! We're like the superheroes for Mina! We protect her from the nastiness of the world!" Tamiko reasoned and we all agreed to it. Since then the PMPFC has formed and we vowed to protect Mina every since then.

Time skip
Mina was about to arrive and we all waited for her to leave from the airport. We painted PMPFC onto bandanas which was our group wear.

"There she is! Mina I love you!" Someone heller and everyone's attention was brought back to the Princess of beauty herself. We all started cheering her name but instead of giving her usual smile and wave she kept her head down and had a sorrow look. It was probably due to that incident of that stalker. That bastard how dare he touch our Mina. He should rot in hell. People like him are the reason why the PMPFC was formed. As I was shouting I felt someone bumped into me messing up my picture of Mina.

""Excuse me! Don't get in the way of me seeing my dear princess of beauty!" I yelled at her. She bowed down and looked at me for a couple of seconds before dashing off. Ugh interrupted my photo! I looked up to get another photo but Mina was already in the car. Damn that Bitch!! I will get revenge for her messing up my picture!

~Y/n's POV~
After 2 hours the house tour was finally over and it was time to get into the pool. I headed upstairs to get my towel and decided to visit Mina.

"Yo you wanna go swimming with us." I asked as I opened the door. She jumped up as I seemed to scare her.

"Don't do that! I hate people sneaking up on me! Knock before you come in!" She snapped at me and I stood in shock. Well damn why she reacted like that?

"Jeez sorry. I just wanted to ask if you were wanting to go swim with us." I said before leaving her room. Why she react like that? She could've told me that earlier.

I headed down to the swimming pool were the 3 girls were already there.

I headed down to the swimming pool were the 3 girls were already there

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"Woooooaaaaaaah! It's so large!" I squealed. I threw my towel on one of the chairs and jumped into the pool.

"Are you enjoying your stay here so far?" Mila asked me as I rose from the water.

"Uh huh I'm really loving this!" I smiled and went back into the water. I swam around with Mila and Miga before I noticed one was missing.

"Miraaaaaaa! Come join us in the pool!" I yelled. Mila was sitting on the chair looking at her phone intensely. She seemed a bit annoyed and irritated.

"Don't worry I'll come in soon." She said and went back to her phone. I seen her sigh before tapping rapidly. She groaned, put her phone down and joined us in the pool.

I wonder what that was all about...

~~blesses you guys with a double update!!😗 I've been coming up with a ton of ideas for this story so I've been writing chapter so I don't forget😭hope you all enjoy!

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