Chapter 21

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~y/n POV~
I patted Mina on the back, not really knowing how to comfort her. Of course I'm angry but I no idea what it's like to be in Mina's place right now. All I can do is just reassure her every now and then.

The driver drove us back to her uncle's place and I walked Mina back to her room.

"Do you need anything?" I asked her as she laid facedown on her bed. She slowly shook her head and I nodded. I walked out her door and was shocked to see Miga standing right there.

"Sorry. I was just going to check up on her." Miga scratched the side of her face.

"Ah that's ok. We should just leave her alone right now." I rubbed Miga's head and she nodded. I went to sit near the pool and finally checked my phone.

Damnnn over 200 missed calls and messages from my family and friends. I read all the messages but didn't really feel like responding.

Hey sorry for not talking guys. It's too much going on right now. I will be quiet for about.

I sent the text to my friends and turned off the notifications.

I guess I should go buy some food. I went back inside the house and put on a mask. I tried to quietly leave the house, but Miga stopped me.

"Hey where are you going?"

"Oh I'm just going to see my sister." I smiled and tried to go past, but she stopped me again.

"Can I go? I don't feel comfortable in the house right now." Miga tugged on my sleeve and looked like she was weirded out. Does she know something I don't?

"Uh....sure?" I nodded and we walked together. Since I didn't want to take any of the cars, we had to walk to the nearest I bus stop, which was like 30 minutes away.

"So what's wrong?" I asked Miga once we were far away from the house. She looked down and took a deep sigh.

"It's just that...I don't know. Something feels weird." She explained to me which really didn't answer my question.

"But can you say what feels weird?"

"I don't know. I don't want to be in the house." Miga grimaced and it looked like a chill went down her spine.

"Ahh ok." Something told me that I should stop asking her. Even though I want to know more, I won't since she looks uncomfortable.

We made it to the bus stop, in which we had to get on a cramped bus. It smelt weird but I'm used to it at this point. We finally made it to the store and Miga took a deep breath.

"Good lord that was horrible." She exclaimed as soon as we made it off the bus.

"Welcome to the real world princess." I laughed at her as she fanned her face. After she got done, I put her mask and hood back on so no one will notice her.

We shopped around and bought random foods for fun. Miga seemed to really enjoy the sweets aisle as she nearly picked every candy in sight. The total cost was more than I ever made before but Miga payed for it herself. Man I wish I could be this rich!

"Oh I can't wait to try all of this!" Miga jumped around as we exited the store.

"What have you ever had candy before?" I laughed at her as she seemed eager to tear it open.

"No? I never had anything like this!"

"But aren't you extremely rich? You're royalty!"

"So? It's not that easy. It's very strict." She opened three suckers and placed them in her mouth.

"Oh is that so?" Before I came here, I thought being a princess was a luxury, but the more time I spend here, the more complex it seems.

"Can we walk? I have a lot of energy!" Miga jumped around and I raised an eyebrow.

"WALK? Miga it would take like 2 hours!" I yelled to her but she shrugged.

"Come on it'll be fine! We need the exercise anyways!"

"Ok but give me the bag so you don't eat anymore candy." I reached out for the bag but she snatched it away.

"No way it's mine!" She held onto it and started to run away.

"Hey get back here!" I ran after her. Good god why did I let her buy all those sweets? She was running like a track star while I started to struggle.

"MIGA! Slow down! I'm tired!" I yelled at her after what seemed like an eternity of running. She finally stopped and turned to face me.

"Ugh y/n carry me I'm tired!" She said as I finally caught up.

"Carry you? No way!" I exasperated and she sat down.

"Come on there's like 5 more minutes of walking." I picked her back up and forced her to walk with me. We tiredly made it back to the house, after about 2 hours of walking.

I opened the front door and was greeted by a quiet house. Is no one home?

"Hmmm." Miga furrowed her eyebrows and looked uncomfortable

"Are you ok?" I asked her and she seemed caught of guard.

"N-no! No!" She gave a dry laugh before turning away. "I just need...a-a nap."

Weird...something is up but she won't tell me. I'll have to find out on my own.

"Minari will like these Pringles right?" I said to myself as I carried a tray up the stairs for Mina. I made a bowl of porridge (instant btw, I'm too lazy to do it from scratch), a cup of green tea and a can of Pringles. It ain't much but it's honest work.

As I reached to open her door, it swung open which caused the tray of food to fall.

"MY INSTANT PORRIDGE!" I yelled as I looked at the porridge, which was now on the floor. The green tea spilled on me and the can of Pringles were rolling away. I looked up to see her uncle looking down at me.

"Uh... hi?" I said awkwardly to her uncle who just looked at me before quickly walking off.

RUDE MUCH? Not even gonna help me pick up my tray? I picked up the remainder of the porridge and Pringles and looked inside to see Mina sitting in her bed.

"Oh what's wrong now?" I asked as I seen her tightly gripping her blanket with a worried expression.

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