Chapter 35

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~please just be mine~

~Mina's POV~
I slowly backed away from the homicidal maniac named Toshiro.

"Finally we can be alone." He sighed and turned to face me. I flashed a smile and he smiled in return and dropped his hammer.

He walked towards me and held my hands. I stared at him with unsureness.

"My dear angel, I've been loving you for years. Please let us be together forever." He gave me a horrible confession and I internally cringed.

HOW DO I EVEN RESPOND TO THIS? Say no and get killed or say yes and get kidnapped by him and forced to live the rest of my life in misery???

"U-uh...Toshiro I'm not sure that's possible." I said to him but he kept a smile on his face.

I'm scared.

"What...what do you mean? I've did so much for you, you know." He kept smiling and tightened his hold on my hands.

"Are you dense? You and your PMPFC killed my entire family, ruined my happiness, and now I'm being held ransom! Does it sound like I would just say yes to you?" I frowned at him and freed myself from him.

He slowly got up and took a walk around my room. I kept hearing sighs and murmuring.

"Alright. I now know what I must do." He turned to face me.

~Y/n's POV~

As I walked closer, I could see movement in one of the windows. Really? Right for everyone to see? Have some decorum...

Normally the gates are locked and required access but this time the first gate opened with no problem. That's concerning. Considering how uptight the Duke was the last time I saw him, I would expect bombs to be laid out.

I easily passed each gate and began to hear a loud commotion. Could it be the Duke's fits? He did seem short tempered to me. I went through one of the doors and saw the kitchen completely trashed. There was spots of blood along things being tipped over. The lights suddenly went out and I heard blood curdling screams. My body ran cold as I quietly searched around for someone.

"Mina?" I whispered out. Due to my fair share of horror movie logic, I know better than to yell out her name. I turned my phone flashlight on, grabbed a knife, and tiptoed around. I bumped into a couple of things on the ground but I was too scared to check if it was a body. After a few minutes I found a stairwell that led to a wooden door.

"Oh shiiiiiiit." I grimaced a the trail of blood that led down to the door. The door was creaked open with the chains laying on the ground. Was it even safe to go in?

I walked in and was greeted by two dead guards and something wrapped in a bloodstained sheet. I crept closer and unwrapped it to see Miga.

"HOLY SHIT MIGA!" I cried out and immediately checked her pulse. It was slow but atleast she was alive. Her face was covered my her hair but I could see blood around her mouth area. I picked up her body and carried her on my back.

Should I call the police? More importantly, I hope the Mina isn't dead. Who knows if she is alive or not but first I need to get Miga to safety. Mr Yamaguchi is parked like 30 minutes away but I need to check up on Mina asap...

"W-who are you?" Someone asked as I made my way towards Mina's room.

"Huh?" My body froze as I looked at someone with a ski mask on.

"Are you PMPFC?"

"PMPFC? Do I look crazy to you?" How could he accuse me of being in that incel group? AURG

"A-ah Toshiro...Toshiro said to prevent anyone from getting close to the princess!" He frantically replied as he held out a knife.

"Oh fuck off." I placed Miga down and launched towards him. I tackled him to the ground and he waved his knife around. I felt a couple of slashes but I was able to grab it and puncture him in the temple.

"Ew god, I actually feel bad about that." I frowned and picked Miga up before heading towards Mina's room. A loud scream emerged and I sped up my running.

Don't worry Mina, I'm finally here to get you.

~~Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone! Hope you all have a great new year!💕

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