"Oh? Since when were you two there?" she asked.

"Since you started to stare at the ball like the volleyball idiot you are," I said. "We're leaving soon and if you don't start moving, you'll probably be left behind."

"W-Wait!" [Surname] said. She faced Kuroo-san and bowed at him first and bid him goodbye before grabbing her bag that was apparently near the gym's door.

I started walking away with Yamaguchi following soon after. [Surname] ran towards us, catching up. I glared at her as she wrapped one of her arms around mine.

"Don't leave me," she said.

"Let go," I said. "Latch on to Yamaguchi if you want to act like a koala."

"T-Tsukki!" she exclaimed as she let go of my arm. She covered her face with her hands as she said, "That's so embarrassing."

"Um, [Surname]-chan if you want to, I don't mind," Yamaguchi said.

I clicked my tongue as I watched [Surname] stumble over her words like the idiot she was. I started walking faster away from them, not wanting to see more of how much of a flustered mess she can be around Yamaguchi. I gripped the strap of my bag as I went inside the bus.

Like the day before, I sat beside the window. This time though, I placed my bag on the aisle seat so I could prevent [Surname] sitting beside me again. Thankfully I did do that because the moment she went inside the bus, she ran to where I was. I watched her pout when she saw my bag next to me.

"Tsukki meanie. You prefer a bag over me?"

"Yeah. It's silent, unlike you."

[Surname] continued to give me an unthreatening glare when I still didn't remove the bag from the seat.

"[Surname]-chan, you can sit beside me if it's okay with you," Yamaguchi, who took the seat in front of me, offered.

I saw her look at him then briefly look at me before smiling at Yamaguchi and nodding.

"O-Okay!" she said, taking the seat that was beside the window as well.

Soon enough, the bus started to move with Takeda-sensei driving. I decided to look out for a while, enjoying the open field that we were passing by. Unlike when she's beside me, [Surname] was completely silent.

I snickered as I imagined her freaking out in her seat while Yamaguchi was probably sleeping. 


I looked up and glared at [Surname] who had her arms crossed on top of the chair she was sitting on. She was probably kneeling on the actual seat while she faced me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing~," she said, grinning. "What are you doing?"

"Don't you have someone else to irritate?" I said, not answering her question.

"Not really. The only one I want to annoy is Tsukki~"

"Why me?" I said.

"I do it because I like Tsukki!"

I hated that. I hated how casual she was around me and how it was easy for her to say such things but she'd end up a flustered mess before she can even say anything remotely similar if it was towards Yamaguchi.

"Shut up," I said as I pulled up my headphones that hung from my neck.

"Don't ignore me," she said, pouting. 

I looked away, ignoring her. Since I didn't play any music yet, I could hear her shift her position on her chair, finally facing away from me and sitting like a decent person.

I glanced at the top of her chair and sighed.

As I said, there are things you try to stop from happening to avoid a larger problem.

And if pushing her to him would finally keep her away from me, then that's what I'd do. After all, it was the reason she approached me in the first place. I'd finally give her a favor and act as her wingman if that'd speed up getting them closer to each other. All so I can finally get rid of the growing feeling inside me that I know would cause me nothing but harm.

Tomorrow [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now