I'm releasing Tsukishima Kei fanfics in a rate faster than my wifi. And by that I mean I do it daily.

Tsukishima Kei x Female Reader (18)
Terushima Yuuji x Female Reader (1)
Togami Byakuya x Female Reader (1)
  • she/they
  • انضمJuly 7, 2014


الرسالة الأخيرة
tsookiemonster tsookiemonster Dec 25, 2020 03:49PM
A late Christmas gift <3 Enjoy the oneshot!!
عرض جميع المحادثات

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After Christmas [Tsukishima Kei x...
[ a oneshot. ] There's a little tradition that both [Name] and Tsukishima share- one that takes place after a...
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My Ride Home [Tsukishima Kei x Reader] بقلم tsookiemonster
My Ride Home [Tsukishima Kei x Rea...
[a oneshot.] Road trips and small talks on the way home with a little promise of a next time. Inspired by son...
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Lifetime [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]
[a oneshot.] Pent up regrets and words that should've been said. Was there a lifetime waiting for the both o...
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1 قائمة قراءة