Hospital Wing and Wand Wood

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Third Persons POV

Andromeda sits by Andy's bedside stroking her hair gently. Severus had alerted her of what had happened along with Narcissa. But Andromeda arrived first. "You poor girl, to go through all that at such a young age. But you're safe now" she states.

"Dromeda" Narcissa says in disbelief when she sees her long lost sister.

"Cissa" Andromeda says with a smile.

"Ladies, lets take this to my office. Miss Malfoy needs rest" Severus states from beside Narcissa. The women agree and follow him. "Now Narcissa I informed Mrs Tonks of your daughter's condition. She is her godmother after-all" he states.

"I know that Severus, but why summon her? Andromeda has never meet Dromeda" Narcissa states.

"Not true sister, we meet over Christmas. She is quiet a lovely girl, my Nymphadora already sees her as a little sister" Dromeda explains.

"The weekend Miss Malfoy was to be with me, she was with Mrs Tonks and her family. She deserved to know her god mother. I knew Lucius would disapprove" Severus states. "She needed someone who understands what she is going through. Who better then her name sake? Who went through a very similar thing?" he asks.

"What do you mean Severus?" Narcissa demands.

"Andromeda has no Slytherin friends, her friends are in Gryffindor. In fact her best friend who she considers a sister is muggle-born. She never told you or Lucius as she does not wish to be disowned and Draco has kept quiet in fear of losing his sister. But the only time I see her happy here is with her Gryffindor friends" he explains.

"I knew she was friends with those out of Skytherin. I did not know her best friend was muggle-born" Narcissa says sadly.

"She feels alone Cissa, no one understands her in Slytherin. As none understood me" Dromeda tells her. "Yes she has Draco as I had you. But she deserves to be free to be friends with whoever she wants" she states.

"I know, but with what has happened. If she continues down this path, she won't be safe if you-know-who ever returns" Narcissa states.

"If that happens, I have told her she is always welcome in my home. So are you Cissa along with Draco and Lucius" Dromeda tells her.

"This conversation need not be discussed now, I'm sure you wish to see your daughter" Severus says. Narcissa nods her head. Dromeda gives her her address so that they can write in secret. Narcissa then returns to the hospital wing and hears giggles inside. She peaks in to see her daughter laughing with a bushy haired girl in Gryffindor clothes.

Andromeda's POV

"I brought you some reading materiel" she says handing me a book. "It's a book on wand woods written by Ollivander. I remember hearing you mumble something about it while you were unconscious" she explains.

"Yeah, Quirrell asked about my wand wood and when I answered. He said it explained a few things" I tell her. I open the book and find my wand wood. "Here it is, Rowan" I state.

"Rowan wood has always been much-favoured for wands, because it is reputed to be more protective than any other, and in my experience renders all manner of defensive charms especially strong and difficult to break. It is commonly stated that no dark witch or wizard ever owned a rowan wand, and I cannot recall a single instance where one of my own rowan wands has gone on to do evil in the world. Rowan is most happily placed with the clear-headed and the pure-hearted, but this reputation for virtue ought not to fool anyone – these wands are the equal of any, often the better, and frequently out-perform others in duels" we read.

"Wow, you sure you should be in slytherin?" she asks me.

"I'm not" I tell her quietly. "You can't tell anyone this, but the sorting hat did not want to put me in slytherin. It only did because I begged it to. It said it was not my best fit, but never said which house was" I explain.

"Wow, do you still feel like you belong in Slytherin after everything?" she asks me.

"No, but I can't change houses or I'll lose my family" I tell her sadly. "We may be broken and not the best family in the world. But they're mine and I would not change them for anything. If being in Slytherin means I can remain with them, then I shall gladly remain" I state smiling gently. "Lets look up your wand wood" I tell her.

"Vine wood" she states and we find it. "The druids considered anything with a woody stem as a tree, and vine makes wands of such a special nature that I have been happy to continue their ancient tradition. Vine wands are among the less common types, and I have been intrigued to notice that their owners are nearly always those witches or wizards who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astound those who think they know them best. Vine wands seem strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths, and I have found them more sensitive than any other when it comes to instantly detecting a prospective match. Reliable sources claim that these wands can emit magical effects upon the mere entrance into their room of a suitable owner, and I have twice observed the phenomenon in my own shop" she reads.

"Wow, maybe you'll be minister of magic" I tease her and we laugh. Just then my mother enters the room.

"I have to go see Harry and Ron, see you at the feast" Hermione tells me. She leaves me the book and leaves. Mum takes her seat beside my bed.

"So that is the muggle-born you consider a sister and tie with in classes?" she asks me.

"Yes" I say looking at the book.

"Andromeda, I am your mother. I'd never judge you" she tells me as she looks into my eyes. "I love you my little star, you need to trust me" she states.

"I love you to mum, I'm sorry for not telling you the whole truth" I tell her.

"How about you tell me now?" she suggests. So that's what I did. I told her everything from when I meet Hermione, from the train ride, me defending her from a troll, the dragon and etc. Along with my time with my godmother and her family. "You truly have found a sister" she says smiling.

"I have and I don't want to lose any of you" I tell her.

"You won't, we may be separated in future. But we will always return to each other" she assures me. "I must return home, enjoy the rest of school" she tells me. I nod my head and she kisses my forehead before leaving. Madame Pomfrey releases me and Draco escorts me to the feast.

Where we came in second place for the house cup. But I was happy for my friends in Gryffindor. Besides, there is always next year.

End of Philosopher's Stone, see you next time in The Chamber of Secrets


Pictures above of Narcissa and Andromeda. Picture on the external link of Hermione.

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